Chapter 1: Blackout

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Sabriye landed on the ground with ease, after being sucked into another portal once again, and examined her surroundings, which seemed like a dark hallway - a hallway so dark, it was nearly pitch black. She then remembered to leave Star a message as her sparring match with the said princess was interrupted by the suction of the portal.

Sabriye went back to examining her surroundings and a slight frown of alarm and confusion made its way across her face as she heard noises coming from behind her. She turned towards the source of the noises and saw a huge creature that was shrouded in the darkness, with multiple pairs of eyes glowed in the dark.

Her feet moved before her mind could think and she took off from her spot. She wasn't able to think straight, trying to process the issue at hand. Sabriye then saw someone coming out of their room in the dark and, without a moment of hesitation, grabbed the back of their collar and started dragging them to run alongside you.

"H-Hey! What are you- W-WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING?!" a male voice questioned her actions but he was interrupted by the cause of this chaos in front of him and started screaming in terror. Sabriye lost grip on his collar as he also started running alongside her. The voice beside her was undeniably familiar to Sabriye and realisation hit her in an instant.

The voice that questioned her actions was none other than Liu. Sabriye was at the dorms of the Running Man Championship and she was currently running away from Lonky, Gai, Popo and Pala in the hallways. This was the episode where there was a temporary blackout. She then came up with an idea and a smirk made its way across her face.

Sabriye sped up and rolled to the side as a bright green glyph shone in the darkness and a vine appeared out of it. Sabriye pulled at it, causing the boys to trip over it. Liu was thrown to side and accidently opened the windows, where the bright light from outside shone in the hallways to reveal Lonky, Gai, Popo and Pala in a messed-up pile.

Liu stomped over to them and shouted in anger, "What's going on?!" The boys in question we grunted in pain from having tripped over the vine. Popo then said, "And more importantly, who is she?!" They all faced Sabriye, who looked at each of them before settling with an awkward smile and wave as a simple greeting.

"I'll... explain it all to you, but first, we should sit down. It's gonna be a long story." They all agreed and headed to the lounge where Sabriye gave a long, detailed explanation of her story, leaving out information about her abilities as she knew that Charming Gold would be listening and where Popo gave Liu a story of what happened before Sabriye jumped into the problem.

Afterwards, Liu sighed and said, "Tell me, please. How did you get into a mess like that?" However, before anyone else could respond, a female robotic voice cut him off, "Attention. A blackout has occurred due to an electricity overload inside the dormitory. We are currently working to fix this issue."

Lonky and Popo started arguing about the problem with the former's massage chair. However, their argument was interrupted by a crash from one of the dorms. That raised a question, "Wait, where's Kuga?" They found the said tiger crawling on the floor and Popo then sighed in disappointment, "Oh, it was nothing."

That caught Liu's attention as he said, "Wait... You sounded disappointed there was nothing wrong." Popo then faced him with a cheeky smile, "Oh, did I?" He then snickered as he had his hand over his mouth. Kuga looked at them and snarled, "Hey, who said you guys can just barge in here, huh?!"

However, his snarls were ignored by Popo, who continued to walk around in Kuga's room. "Hey! Come on! Out!" He growled once more but was, once again, ignored. Sabriye noticed that Popo was very close to Kuga's gloves but was a bit relieved that the said penguin didn't notice it.

"Wow, would you look at all of this stuff?" Popo remarked, impressed by all the items Kuga had. Sabriye immediately took this chance to quickly enter the room and grab Popo. "He's right, you know? You can't just barge into people's rooms. It's an invasion of privacy."

Kuga was surprised to see the new arrival, although he was internally grateful that she was backing him up. "Thanks, uhh... Who are you?" Kuga asked the new girl. She faced him and introduced herself with a soft smile, "Sabriye Unisa. I'll tell you more about myself later. Right now, I think we should give you some space."

Popo was then able to escape from her grasp and landed on the floor. He started messing with Kuga's punching bag as the others, except Sabriye, began to enter Kuga's room. Lonky messed with Kuga, which only angered him even more, along with everyone else barging in.

A light then shone into the Kuga's room, the source being the Soul Tree. Everyone, except Kuga and Sabriye walked towards the window to look at the Soul Tree as Kuga moved to find his gloves. Sabriye was watching him from the entrance and stifled her giggles as she saw the poses he made to sneak his way to his bed.

Sabriye knew that the boys would start telling stories they heard about the Soul Tree as she stepped away from the entrance and leisurely walked tiny steps, in hopes of meeting Miyo. Sabriye was particularly excited to meet Miyo in person as she was her favourite character.

When Miyo arrived at the entrance of Kuga's room, she noticed Gai in the room, gushing over her. She just wordlessly walked away from the room, leaving Gai looking like a sad puppy. As she walked a bit further, she noticed an unfamiliar presence in the hallway.

She began sneaking up on her, preparing an ambush. However, before she could make a move, the girl in front of her stopped in her tracks and looked behind, catching Miyo in the act with nowhere to run. Sabriye faced her with a soft smile and greeted her with a hushed tone, that was soft like silk, "Hey," while Miyo stayed silent and wary.

Sabriye started, "I know what you're thinking. You've never seen me before and I could be an enemy. Don't worry, I mean no harm." Miyo narrowed her eyes at her as she responded, "How do I know that you're not lying?" Sabriye simply responded with a shrug, "If I were lying, I would've hurt your friends by now. Badly."

Miyo supposed she made a good point so she decided to give her a chance. However, if she went against her word, she would hunt her down. Before their conversation could continue, a robot appeared and said, "Hello, Sabriye Unisa. I am here to inform you, that you are now a contestant of the Running Man Championship, on behalf of Charming Gold."

The name itself irked Sabriye as she knew the harm he brought to the contestants and the DV7. However, she knew better than to lose her cool. The robot was about to lead Sabriye to get new room as the said girl faced Miyo and said that they would continue their conversation in the morning.

She agreed and headed back to her room, leaving Sabriye to follow the robot to her room. The day ended just like the episode and the shouts that were heard from her new room caused her to chuckle in amusement. She knew what she would be dealing with the next day.

A/N: Hey guys, back with the very first chapter of Book 4. I've watched a bit of the episodes since it's been awhile and I sort of forgot what happened. Hope you guys liked it stay tuned for more updates and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye. 👋🏼

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