Chapter 6: Takji Battle

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Every one of the contestants were discussing on what would be their next game, except for Sabriye, who remained silent throughout the entire conversation as she knew the answer to their question. Instead, she stayed rooted to her seat and stared at the table, which was at the center of the lounge as she tuned out Popo's words, as he sighed, "I wonder what game we're playing ne-"

He was interrupted by the person who answered his question - which was none other than one of Charming Gold's robotic servants, who startled everyone else, but Sabriye, with its sudden appearance out of the very place Sabriye was once staring at. "This is an announcement regarding your next game. Tomorrow's mini game is Takji Battle, one of the three grand sports of Tree City!"

Hearing that announcement lit up a spark of excitement within Liu, along with everyone else, except Sabriye. Sabriye, tuning out the boys' arguments again, pondered on what she should do, remembering that she didn't have her own Takji, like everyone else. In other words, she would be the odd one out and be left out during the actual game.

The day of the mini game had swiftly arrived as the contestants did their warm-ups before the said mini game started. Sabriye, being the odd one out like she expected to be, was sitting on a bench, which Charming Gold oh so generously prepared for her, and watched the others prepare for their game.

Sabriye, once again, tuned out Charming Gold's speech as she fished out her phone to listen to music, as well as reading a few fanfictions. Her reading time was interrupted by Liu, who called out to her, not that she was necessarily irritated by the interruption. Sabriye removed her headphones as she cracked a tiny, soft smile at him.

"Sabriye, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be part of the game?" Liu questioned, pointing a thumb at the contestants' battlegrounds, where the other contestants looked as puzzled as him. Sabriye answered, still with the smile on her face, which seemed sad in Liu's opinion, "As much as I'd like to participate, I don't have a Takji of my own, so I'm sitting this one out."

Liu looked up in thought and came to the conclusion, "Oh, I'm guessing that Takji Battles aren't really a thing back in your universe. Am I right?" Impressed by his fast learning skills, Sabriye smirked and replied, "Why, yes, you're right. I'm honestly surprised that you figured that out pretty quickly." Shrugging, she continued, "But, I guess it is to be expected from the brains of the team."

Clearly flattered, Liu chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, very openly displaying his modesty. Waving a hand to shoo Liu away, Sabriye said, still with her smirk glued to her face, "Now run along, Liu. You don't want to keep them waiting before the game now, do you?" Liu blinked at her for a moment.

When realisation hit him that the contestants were in the middle of getting to the rules of the mini game, Liu, very awkwardly and quickly, ran to the battlegrounds, bringing a chuckle of amusement out of Sabriye before she went back to listening to her music and reading her fanfictions.

The mini game had finally begun and Sabriye didn't even bother to watch it, as she had memorised every sickening detail, from A to Z, of the mini game from watching back-to-back episodes of the championship. During the midst of the mini game, her reading time was, once again, interrupted, but rather rudely by a hologram of the infamous peacock, Charming Gold.

Only then was she irritated and even the slightest bit suspicious of what Charming Gold would want from her. Charming Gold had his usual charming smile on his face but Sabriye swore that she could see a hint of mirth and malice in his eyes as he struck an unwanted conversation, "Pardon me for taking up your time, Sabriye, but may I have a moment?"

Sabriye inwardly narrowed her eyes at him, thinking, ''Pardon me', my foot. I swear he's thinking, 'Sorry, not sorry,' or something. Now, what does he want from me?' Wanting to know his intentions of approaching her and not wanting to come off as rude, she wordlessly nodded and fully faced him.

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