Bonus 2

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The room was as dark as the night sky. You would think that you have merely closed your eyes, even when they were wide open. Just then, a pair of lenses shone brightly in the darkness, looking like the daunting eyes of a mysteriously intimidating being. The darkness vanished into thin air, the light revealing a young girl in twin tails, wearing a determined look.

The other Running Man contestants surrounded her, ready to attack and wore their determination in their eyes. They were determined to defeat her, and almost certain that they would. After all, this was a 7-on-1 battle - seven members would normally have the upper hand against just one opponent. Normally.

The girl looked at each and every one of her opponents and smirked, completely certain that she would win. The members all charged towards the girl and, at the very last second, the girl jumped high enough to cause the members to collide into one another. Lonky acted quickly and stretched his arm far enough to grab the girl's leg.

The girl smirked again as she transformed into her Grass element and vines came down from two bright green glyphs on the ceiling. The girl allowed the vines to pull her up by the arms, pulling Lonky along with her. Soon enough, Lonky lost his grip on the girl's leg and fall from the height.

The girl then transformed into her Psychic element and summoned portals to teleport her to where the others were and used her Telekinesis to throw a few of the contestants onto the rest of the contestants, causing them to collide into one another again. However, there was Kuga, coming at her to throw a punch.

The girl continued to smirk as she jumped up again and used Psybeam, nearly rendering him unconscious before landing on his back with force. Kuga finally fell unconscious and the battle was finally over. The girl reverted back into her original form as she sent a smirk towards the camera on the ground. Who is this girl, you may ask? Why, this is Sabriye, the eighth contestant of the Running Man Championship.

Sabriye widens her smirk ever so slightly before stomping on the camera, everything going pitch black once again.

A/N: Hey, guys! I'm back with another update! I know this book was supposed to be done by now, and I already have the Bonus Chapter for this done, but the previous Bonus wasn't really a surprise. Yeah, the Bonus for each of my books is actually like a "surprise" chapter. Something like that. The previous Bonus is not really a surprise in my opinion. I did that Bonus along with Bonuses for the other books I wrote. So, I'm making another one. And, in case you're confused as to what is going on here, it's actually the character trailers before the actual show, like the short YouTube videos of the characters that lasts for about 13 seconds. I'll show you an example.

Yeah, this is basically it, but, instead of Liu, it's Sabriye doing the stuff that I just wrote for y'all. If I had the animation skills to make something like this, I would've done it. While I'm decent at drawing, I doubt it'll turn out great in animation, so... This is all you get, I guess. Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading this book, I hope you guys liked it. If you want more RMA stuff, then feel free to check out my Randomness Book. There are other fandoms in there too just so you know. Stay tuned for more updates and I'll see you in the next post. Bye. 👋🏼

...Wow, that was the longest Author's Note I wrote so far...

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