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I ran all the way there. I didn't care that it was 2 miles away, I forced myself to run. I wasn't going to waste a minute getting there. I needed to see it for myself, they're probably lying, she's fine, she's just lost, this body isn't her. 

It took me around 15 minutes to run all the way to the police station, I didn't even have time to catch my breath before I was screaming for my mother.

'MUM! MUUUUM!' I screamed, causing my throat to become raw.

'Honey, I need you to calm down, what's your name?' Some police officer asked me, i just ignored her and ran around the station, calling for my mother. I eventually found her sitting in the waiting room, staring blankly at the wall ahead of her.

'Mum? Where is she?' She glanced over at me for a second, I could tell her eyes were swimming with emotions, sadness, loss and surprisingly, anger, which only seemed to appear when she looked over at me.

A police officer walked up to my mother and I, he held car keys in his right hand and had case files tucked under his left arm. I stood up and faced him when he approached us.

'Hi, you must be Delta Smith?' He asked, pity filling his voice.

'Yes that's me, where is my sister?' I asked, getting straight to the point.

'Her body is at the hospital, I can take you there now.'

'Thank you,' I turned back to my mum, who hasn't moved an inch. 'Mum? Are you coming?' She didn't reply, or even acknowledge my question as she continued to stare at the apparently interesting wall ahead of her.

I sighed in defeat and followed the police officer to his car.

'I am very sorry for your loss, what you mom is....' i drowned out the rest of whatever he said as i stared out the window. I was scared. Not because I just lost my sister, deep down I new she was gone, I was scared because I lost my sister, but I didn't feel anything. I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to smile. I felt numb. The only thing i wanted to do now was, ironically, talk. I hadn't in so long that i feel as though i'm going to explode. 

Next thing I know, we pulled into the hospital carpark, i hesitantly followed the police officer inside. As we made our way to the morgue, i noticed 3 guys sat in the waiting room, who immediately stood as i entered the hospital. I new it was Luke, Alex and Reggie, but I didn't show any sign of acknowledgement. 

I kept following the officer down the hallways until we reached 2 large metal doors with a sign to the right stating "MORGUE". I was lead into the depressing room, immediately met with a body lied out in front of me, covered in a white sheet.

I knew it was her. 

I could tell by the left arm that had fallen off the side of the table. It had a ring attached to the index finger. One identical to my own. An oak tree and the letter delta. our parents got them for our Christmas present the year before she went missing. We never took them off.

I walked over to the steel table her cold body lay on. There was a stool stood next to it that i decided to sit on, afraid my legs would give out at the sight of her. 

A nurse walked in and hesitantly pulled the sheet away from my sisters face. She didn't look any different. Minus the slight blue tint her skin held. I sucked in a shaky breath, exhaling it as a sob. That was my breaking point.

She was gone.

I let my legs carry me out of the morgue and all the way back to the hospital entrance, all the way chocking on sobs and bumping into people as I ran.

I found myself running into someones arms. I felt them wrap them around me and i allowed them to. I looked up hesitantly, coming face to face with Mr Molina. I let myself breakdown right there. I clung onto Ray's shirt, soaking it in hot tears as my legs buckled beneath me. We collapsed onto the floor and felt another pair of arms wrap around me, Julie. I felt Julie rock me back and forth on the hospital floor, as Ray stepped back to let Julie cradle me. I couldn't hear anything at this point and i had a rising headache from all the crying. After what felt like hours, but was actually about 10 minutes, I basically passed out in Julie's arms from exhaustion.


She was so broken, more than before. I watched as Julie held Delta close, rocking her back and forth as she continued to cry her heart out. Ray had just stepped away and was watching them, crying himself also. It seems everyone was crying, Julie was sobbing into Deltas curly, brown hair, Alex and Reggie had tears spilling and everyone in the waiting room was watching in horror. they all felt her pain, they knew what she was going through. Her crying said it all.


He would never admit it, but he was crying too. More than any of us.

WORDS: 882

AN: AHH WE REACHED 100 VOTES WTF!!!! Just a reminder, I have exams coming up so I will be updating later than usual, i'm sorry!!

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