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Slowly, i peeled open my eyes, expecting it to be bright outside, but being welcomed with darkness. I reached over to my bedside table and switched on my nightlight. After letting my eyes adjust for a minute, i took in the scene around me. Alex was sat in my blue and white arm chair, his head hanging over one arm rest, with his legs hanging over the other, Reggie was sprawled across the floor, drooling, in a position that can't be comfortable. I cringed thinking about the back pain he'd wake up with. Then there was Luke. He was lent against my bedside, one hand interlocked with mine with his head resting next to my legs.  

What happened yesterday? 

I reached over Luke to turn my alarm clock, 3:39 it read. Great. I slept all day. I guess crying that heavily wears you out huh.

Turning back, Luke stirred in his sleep, I waited a minute for him to settle down, then proceeded to crawl out of bed, untangling Luke fingers from mine, and head to my bathroom. I almost yelped at my reflection. Old mascara stains were leading from my eyes to my chin, my hair was a poofed mess, my clothes were twisted and wrinkled and my eyes were red and puffy. Carefully, i closed my bathroom door, cringing at the creak it made, and walked over to my sink. I proceeded to wash my face, brush my hair and teeth, and change into a pair of pyjamas i kept in a small cupboard next to my sink. My eyes were still slightly red but it'll have to do. I turned away from my mirror to fold my clothed neatly and throw away the makeup wipes. I turned towards the door, catching my reflection, i let out a small squeak. Luke was stood directly behind me.

'Jesus Luke, that's some serial killer stunt you just pulled.' I whisper-yelled whilst holding a hand over my heart, trying to calm its rapid beating.

'Sorry, i just noticed you were gone and when i saw the bathroom light on i realised you were in here but the door was locked and i was worried.' He replied, eyes cast down to the ground, almost guiltily.

'I appreciate the concern but i could've been changing!' I chuckled half-heartedly, while bending down to pick up my clothes i dropped in a state of panic.

'R-r-right, yeah, sorry.' He said, scratching the back of his neck.

I went to reach for the door handle, to go back into my room when something pulling at my wrist stopped me.

'Can we talk?'

I just nodded in response and sat on the toilet seat, waiting for him to continue. He looked over at me, almost hesitantly. I cocked an eyebrow at him, urging him on to continue.

Luke walked over to me, knelt down to his face was in line with mine, took my hands in his, which i was not expecting and said:

'Are you okay?'

I took a minute to think of my response, no i'm not okay, but i couldn't tell him that. He'll think i need help, which i don't. I'm not weak.

'I'm fine.' I stated simply, not wanting him to interrogate me further.

He gave me a pointed look, suggesting he didn't believe me.

'I'm fine.' I repeated so quietly i'm not sure if he heard it. It was more like i was trying to make myself believe it rather than him. 

He just kept looking at me, pity filled his eyes, but i didn't want pity.

'What else do you want me to say Luke?' I said, a little too loudly.

'Maybe and answer i can actually believe.'

I didn't know what to say. So i didn't say anything. I broke eye contact with him, instead finding the floor to be rather interesting. Tears started flowing down my cheeks, collecting in a puddle on the tiled floor beneath me.

'I'm not weak.' I barely whispered.

I then felt two fingers underneath my chin, lift my head until i was facing Luke again, the tears still flowing.

'I know, i know. Listen, you are not weak, you are so strong, you hear me? You have been through so much shit, excuse my french, but you have, and you deserve none of it.' I chuckled slightly, causing a grin to slowly sweep onto his face. I nodded in return, pulling him in for a hug. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around my waist as i wrapped mine around his neck. I silently cried into his should whilst he proceeded to stroke my hair in comfort. Somehow, we both made it to the floor, me cradled in his arms, sobbing silently into his chest.

I was so tired, all this crying drained me so i let sleep overtake me whilst wrapped in the arms of a stranger, i met not 2 days ago.


She was talking to me. I don't think she realised but it felt so nice. She was talking to me like nothing was ever wrong. I didn't want to point it out to her, causing her to stop so i didn't, eventually she fell asleep in my arms, which i could not be happier about. I picked her up bridal style, and carried her back into her room, the guys were still asleep, well until i stubbed my toe on the foot of her bed that was, thats when they jolted awake. But when they saw me placing her back into bed, limping slightly on my sure to be bruised toe, the came over.

None of us said anything for a minute, just watching her sleep, not in a creepy just in like a... i don't know.

'Wait did you stub your toe?' Reggie asked. I just looked over at him confused until i realised something.

Going back the the corner of the bed were it happened, i pushed my foot into the bed, only for it to go right through. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. I reached over towards Delta hand and took it in mine before repeating my actions. I hit the bed with a slight thump. My eyes widened at the discovery. I was so shocked my jaw was just stuck open.

'She can make us alive again.' Alex took the words right out of my mouth.

WORDS: 1061

AN: Just thought i'd throw in a special bonding moment for the two, but i'll be back to the plot of the story soon, tell me if you guys think these chapters are good or not, like do you like the idea of me adding in chapters that are all about them bonding or would you prefer it if i just got on with the story?

The Silent Girl - Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now