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It had been a few days since Delta had her breakdown. Now she was worse than ever. By now everyone heard about what happened, unknown how, but either way they knew. And Delta knew they knew. But she didn't care. 

During that morning in the Smith household, Delta had passed out into her mothers arms. Her mother, being the unstable person she it, freaked out. Her eldest daughters name was one of a taboo sort in their home, hadn't been mentioned in years, and having someone scream it at you, filled with pain and emotion, that can take a hell of a toll on you. So instead of carrying her daughter back into her room, she lay her on the floor, then hastily made her escape after changing and grabbing any money she could find.

She just left her daughter on the ground. In pain. Unconscious.

She deserves the mother of the year award.

It wasn't long until Luke managed to free himself from Alex and Reggie's grasp, to speed over to the girl. The protests of his friends were drowned out when all he could think about was her. And how much he wanted to help her in this moment.

'Luke, man, you can't touch her, we'll go get Julie to help, one minute.' Was the only thing Luke heard Alex say before both him and Reggie poofed, most likely to the garage.

Luke couldn't wait that long though.

Carefully, but quickly, Luke gathered the girl in his arms, and carried her bridal style up the her bedroom. In any other case, Luke would be freaking over how he was able to hold her, but his mind was too preoccupied with helping her to even care at the moment. He carefully placed the girl on her bed, removing her jacket, boots and socks before covering her with her light grey and blue comforter. 

Just as he finished making sure she was safe, the others burst through the door, including one of Julie's friends, Flynn.

No one said anything due to the initial shock,  but eventually someone had to speak up, to their luck, it was the one girl in this room who couldn't see the majority of the party.

'What the hell happened?'

Julie looked towards the ghosts, hoping for one of them to answer before realising, Flynn couldn't see them.

'I- uh- I don't know. She walked in on me singing the song my mom wrote earlier, and surprisingly, she joined in, but i think she was shocked because she left immediately after, then you came, and yeah...' Julie spoke slowly, still trying to figure the story out herself.

'Okay, uhh, Julie, go get her mom.'

for the first time since they got here, one of the boys spoke up.

'Actually, her mom left after she passed out, she just got changed, grabbed some money then ran, leaving her there. We came to get you to help us bring her to her room cause we can't touch her, or that's what i thought.' Reggie said, causing everyones gaze to turn to Flynn.


'JULIE!' Julie jumped back at the sudden change in volume.

'I- Her mom left Flynn. She left her behind.'

Flynn was shocked to say the least.

'Oh my- I'm gonna go get your dad, you wait here incase she wakes up.'

Julie just nodded in response and sat down next to Delta on the bed.

'Luke, how the hell did you pick her up?' Alex asked, voicing both Reggie and Julie's thoughts.

'I-I-I don't know, I just did.' He said as he made his way round to the opposite side of the bed Julie was sat on, and repeated her actions.

He slowly lifted his hands to Deltas cheek, brushing it softly, then pulling it back when he felt her warmth radiating off her skin.

Alex and Reggie slowly made their way round, leaning over Lukes shoulders to look at the girl. AT the same time, Alex reached for her shoulder, Reggie reached for her arm and Luke reached for her hand. As soon as they came in contact with her skin, they felt warm, almost, alive.

'Your dad said he would be here in- WHO THE HELL ARE THESE GUYS??' 

Luke, Reggie and Alex all jumped back, startled at the girl screaming, which caused then to break contact with Deltas skin.

'Wha- where did they go?'

WORDS: 708

The Silent Girl - Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now