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Walking down the hallway, my ears fill with chatter from around me. With all that happened last night, I left my bedroom without waking the guys. I didn't want to start my day off with a bunch of questions, especially from Luke, most likely about how I spoke to him last night. I didn't know what I was doing at the time, but when i woke up this morning i realised what i had done. But i didn't freak out like i thought i would, i just smiled at the thought.

When i reached my locker, i quickly spun the dial, and swung the door open. As i was emptying my bag of all my textbooks the school IT girl started walking towards me. Carrie Wilson. Now i don't have anything against Carrie, actually she is quite nice to me, compared to her little posy who make sure to make my day a living hell when Carrie is not around, but when i saw Carrie walking over to me, i was a little surprised to say the least. We aren't friends, just smile at each other in the corridor, or help each other out in class, that sort of relationship.

'Hey Delta, i just wanted to see if you were alright, you weren't in school yesterday?'

Using the whiteboard i always kept on my locker door, i wrote:

'Sick :/'

'Okay, well i hope you fell better, see you in music class!' She replied, giving me a pat on the shoulder before skipping down the hallway towards Nick, her boyfriend, he waved to me, which i returned, before turning around and walking away with Carrie on his arm. 

I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to my locker, wiping my whiteboard clean and placing it back inside before shutting my locker. I was about to turn away when a cough caught my attention.

'Hi!' It was Luke.

 I just waved in return, causing a confused look to cross his face.

'Why aren't you talking to me?' I rolled my eyes and opened up my locker to grab my whiteboard.

'Oh, so now you're ignoring, you know it's kinda ru-'

'Not seem crazy, no one knows about talking' I wrote quickly, then shoving it in his face.

'Ohhh, well come on, Julie is gonna perform to get back into the music program, i gave her this rad Sunset Curve song.'

I raised my eyebrows in surprise as i place my whiteboard back in my locker. By now the hallway was completely empty, weirdly.

Before i could process what was happening, Luke grabbed my hand and started dragging me down the corridor.We passed to school janitor, who sent Luke a quizzical look.

I could hear music playing, slowly increasing in volume as we neared closer. Luke then stopped at the gym doors, looking back at my with a smirk, then proceeded to pull me inside.

The Spirit Rally! That's where everyone is.

I looked to the stage to see Carrie singing and dancing, quite well actually. By now, Luke had let go of my hand and walked over to Alex, Reggie, Julie and Flynn. Reggie was drooling, Alex was dancing, Luke had his arms draped over the two and Julie and Flynn were glaring harshly at Carrie. If looks could kill, she would be dead. Twice.

I walked over just as Carrie finished, and stood next to Julie. Flynn had just run off somewhere and i assume Julie is about to perform.

She looked over at me and i noticed she was about to say something. But before she could do so, i slapped my hands down on her shoulders and spoke to her. Because what she needs is reassurance and i'm gonna give it to her.

'You got this.' I whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

She gave me a cheeky grin, which i just responded with pushing her towards the stage.

Everyone were starting to leave as Julie sat down on the piano, she played a few notes, then hesitated.

'You got this!' Luke shouted, copying what i said. I just glared at him while he smiled goofily.

Turning back to Julie, i realised she had started playing, and the production manager had turned on some lights for her. Here we go.

Sometimes I think I'm falling down
I wanna cry, I'm callin' out
For one more try
To feel alive
And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark
And find the spark

Life is a risk but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together I think that we can make it
Come on let's run and

The guys appeared on stage, with their instruments, singing along with Julie.

Rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever
And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever

I saw Julie walk over to Luke, say something, then walk back to the centre of the stage. Next thing I know, Luke is singing while scanning the crowd, his eyes finally landing on me in the back right corner.

In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head
With nothing left
I feel something around me now
So unclear lifting me out
I found the ground I'm marching on

He only stopped looking at me when Reggie walked over to him to share a mic.

Life is a risk but we will take it
Close my eyes and jump
Together I think that we can make it
Come on let's run and

Julie was also now looking at me, beckoning me over, which, without realising it, i was weaving my way over the the front of the stage, only to be pulled up onto by Julie.

Rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever
And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Bright forever

She disappeared off stage for a minute, returning with a microphone and handing it to me, i gave her a skeptical look, but took it nonetheless.

In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head
With nothing left

I spun around to face Luke, realising what Julie set me up to do, but in that moment i didn't care, so i went along with it, remembering the lyrics from when Luke and Julie were singing then earlier this morning in the garage.

And when I feel lost and alone
I know that I can make it home
Fight through the dark, and find the spark

Holding the note, i closed my eyes and smiled. It felt so good. I opened my eyes once more to join the chorus with the others, noticing people staring in awe at what i thought were the guys, but turns out to be me.

And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Shine together
Bright forever
Bright forever

And rise through the night you and I
We will fight to shine together
Shine together
Bright forever
Bright forever

When the song came to an end, i was way out of breath, i looked to the guys who all gave me a wide grin, before the disappeared, causing gasps to arise from around the room.

Julie walked over to me nervously, and held my hand. 

'I- uh..'

'Say they were holograms.' I whispered into Julie's ear.

'Holograms! Yes! I plugged it into the projector before the show, i would explain it but it involves a lot of science and algorithms, and... stuff.'

This seems to fool everyone as the room erupts in cheers. I chuckle in relief and pull Julie into a hug whilst everyone starts leaving the gym. Mrs Harrison, the music teacher walks over to the stage, so i take it as my cue to leave.

WORDS: 1251


AN: AHHHH OMG we reached 200 readers! What the heck? Thank you guys soo much!! Can we try and get 5 votes on this chapter please? The more votes, the more frequent updates, also WE HIT #1 IN THE LUKEPATTERSON HASHTAG!!!!! I'm so excited! If you guys have any ideas for future chapters, let me know and i might use your idea as well as tagging you in the chapter. Thank you x

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