Don't Let Go (A Student/Teacher Relationship) Part Eight

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                     “Okay then Ms Yeager, it looks like you’ve torn your deltoid. There’s some bruising around the insertion, which is where it attaches to the humerus, and then it’s torn around the clavicle. I’m going to ask you to wear it in a sling for about two weeks and try and move it as little as possible. Do you think you can manage that?” The doctor didn’t once look up from his chart and I rolled my eyes irritably.

“Yes, I might just about” I said, my tone clipped. Mr Evans was standing across the other side of the room staring out of the window but I could’ve sworn I saw him smirk slightly. My mood hadn’t really gotten much better from earlier in the day and now I was tired and had been waiting in the ER for about four hours. To make things worse, Mr Evans had stayed with me but we both sat there in awkward silence, so I was now even more sullen and annoyed.

“No exercise for at least a month, after that just take it easy and don’t push yourself; ease it back into action gently. I cringed, thinking of how unfit I’d get if I missed a month of exercise. Maybe I could run with the sling on or something. I just nodded at the doctor and he finally looked over the top of his chart at me. “Be sensible Ms Yeager, we don’t have the time to waste with cocky teenagers that think they don’t have to listen to us. We’re doctors for a reason and I don’t want to see you in here again.” I felt like punching him in his smug little face for that.

“Well I’m sorry for wasting your time then sir!” I emphasised the last word with a flourish and bow although it wasn’t as effective as I’d have hoped considering my arm was pinned across my chest by a tight sling. “I’ll get out of your superior way so you can get back to lazing around on your fat ass all day!” I snapped, jumping up off the bed and grabbing my bag that was on the floor beside it.

“Ms Yeager, there’s no need to be rude” He warned me angrily, his cheeks going red.

“Oh so it’s fine for you to call me, what was it? ‘A cocky teenager’ or ‘a waste of time’? You’re just the epitome of politeness, aren’t you?” I threw him an icy glare and he looked just about ready to rip my head off.

“I’m sorry I helped you, Ms Yeager. Now go home to your precious parents and be the snotty, stuck up teenager you so obviously are.” He slammed his chart down on the bed and for a moment I was shocked - I must’ve really pushed his buttons. Then his words sunk in and I nearly throttled him.

“Get Stuffed Doctor Martinez!” I almost screamed, my breathing hitching awkwardly and I could feel Mr Evans’s eyes on me as I turned and walked from the room, tears in my eyes and red faced. Before the door closed behind me I made sure to say, loud enough for him and the people milling about the corridors to hear; “I’m not that kind of girl Dr. Martinez, I don’t sleep around!” And with a flourish I slammed the door.

              I could hear the footsteps following me through the hospital but I didn’t even want to look at Mr Evans. He was the one who’d put me in a bad mood in the first place, and then made me come to the ER which had completely ruined the next month of my life at least.; him and his stupid, false concern. Why couldn’t he just leave me alone? I walked out the main doors and headed for the pavement that could lead me home.

“Riley?” He called after me and I turned to glare at him

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