Chapter 19

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AN: Before you proceed, I'd like to thank all of you who continues reading this!


"...and then he said he likes me. I don't---Hanvei!" Sohyun's hand place immediately on her chest after Hanvei slammed the glass on the table.

Before Hanvei can make her reaction, there's a sound of microwave interrupted announcing that the food was heated. Sohyun gets the food and transferred it to a plate. She placed it on the table and slides towards Hanvei. She sat down on the opposite side, facing Hanvei.

"Wait...He likes you?" Hanvei's eyes got wide, her mouth twisted that she can't be able to make any more words and later on she raised her hands and claps them together.

"Wow" Hanvei added and take a big spoon of carbonara.

After swallowing the first taste, she put down the fork "After all those denial and obstacles, you two finally get what I'm pointing since the beginning. Wow!"

"So what happened after he confessed?" Hanvei asked and crept a smile.

Sohyun stared at her...eyes, eyebrow, and mouth was droopy "Yieeee!" Hanvei teased her and smirked.

"So you're going out now? Do you have a plan today? I'm sure you've got a plan!" Hanvei grinning from ear to ear and could not stop smiling. "First date!" Hanvei was smiling not until she catches sight of Sohyun's face.

"Hey! what kind of face is that? Aren't you happy? Rowoon likes you, both of you like each other. You need to smile" Hanvei leaned towards and put her hands on Sohyun to make her smile but after letting go, the smile faded.

"Hey...What's wrong?" Hanvei asked.

Sohyuh make eye contact with her "We're not like you were thinking"

"Sohyun, I like you"

Rowoon remained looking at her as if waiting for an apple to fall. He swallowed his spit after not receiving an answer from her. She was stunned and glued to her position, eyes were reeling, and doesn't make any eye contact with him.

Their distance wasn't quite far...It's only three to four meters, and it's enough for them to hear what they say...Hyperbolically, the loud drums coming from their heart exudes sounds on the entire moment.

Sohyun blinked twice and turn around. She took a deep breath before taking a step forward.

She only took a few steps when Rowoon brings his confession up again "I like you" He spoke again.

Sohyun continues walking, trying to avoid Rowoon and his confession. At this moment, her emotion shifted to another. After their argument and confrontation, she doesn't know how to feel after receiving Rowoon's confession. It's like that there's always a rainbow after the rain.

Rowoon jogged towards her and block her way "I like you" he gulped.

Sohyun eyed him with no emotion at all "I heard it" She said and walked on the other side but before she can walk away, Rowoon quickly pulled her closer to him. As she was trying to move, Rowoon tighten his grip "Just for a second"

When My Manager Fall In Love With Me ▶KimSoHyun and Rowoon◀ (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now