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Jeongyeon never felt this cold in a while. She guessed the weather has changed as she checks her phone after rising up from the bed. It's four in the morning, her usual wake up time but Nayeon's already missing on her sight. For sure that the latter woke up earlier  just to prepare a food for Jeongyeon. She doesn't want the love of her life to leave with empty stomach.

"Good morning!" Nayeon said huskily, focusing on cooking a perfect tornado omelette. Jeongyeon greeted her back and took her time sitting on the counter stool. She also turns on her laptop, scrolling some emails related to her office work. "I need to see a client later night." Of course, it is necessary to tell Nayeon all her schedules so that the latter wouldn't worry. Jeongyeon closes her eyes as she sniffs the aroma of the food her wife's currently making. Not long after, she returns her gaze back on her laptop to read where will they meet. "At the bar." Jeongyeon gulped, Nayeon turns around while gripping on her wooden spatula. "At the what?!" Nayeon exclaimed, pounding the counter a bit aggressive. "Calm down hun!" Jeongyeon stood up, rubbing her nape. She knows how sensitive Nayeon is when it comes to this. She doesn't want Jeongyeon going in those type of places neither seeing her gulping alcohols. "I can cancel it and look for another client... Hehe." Jeongyeon suggested but deep inside, she would waste a great opportunity, 'cause it's an amazing deal though. And knowing that the client is a woman, for sure, Nayeon would combust.

"Moms?" The parents immediately faced their daughter directly who's walking downstairs unhurriedly. "Cub it's too early." Jeongyeon uttered, Chaeyoung chuckled and yawns after. "Well... I heard a loud thud down here. I thought you two were fighting so I rose up to mediate but it seems nothing's happened yet?" Chaeyoung brushed up her messy hair to fix it at least. Then, she grabbed a strawberry milk from the bridge before relaxing herself on the stool together with her mom, Jeongyeon. "What's the matter?" She asked and sipped her milk after. "You're mom has to meet a client at the bar later night. I don't feel good about this Chaeng." Nayeon pointed her spatula on Jeongyeon, making the latter to back off a bit. "Is the client a guy?" The teen asked adding, "Or...." Jeongyeon flashes a thin smile. "The second option." Jeongyeon laughed nervously. Nayeon was about to attack her wife. Well she has the right because first of all, they'll meet at a bar. Second, it's a woman and there's only one thing that came in her mind; Affair. Chaeyoung stopped her. "Jeez! It's just monday and still early in the morning. Don't ruin more of my day, I'm begging." Chaeyoung sighed and then, she suggested something.

"Why not come with mom later night?" She asked Nayeon.

The two of them thought it's such a great idea and since Nayeon doesn't have much to do in this house, she agrees to their daughter. On the other hand, Jeongyeon agreed as well and told herself that Chaeyoung is way better than Dahyun when it comes to giving ideas and planning such things. Later on, Chaeyoung hopped out from the stool, leaving her glass of milk and her confused parents. "I wanna go back to sleep moms." Chaeyoung looked back at them and showed a thin smile. "You okay cub?" Jeongyeon asked as she observes the girl from head to toe. "To be honest, I'm pretty drained since yesterday moms. It will pass, don't worry." Chaeyoung once again, flashed another fake smile for a second before she go upstairs to take another hour of sleep.

"Did you scold her?" Jeongyeon glared at Nayeon.

"Eh? Why would I? She went to Tzuyu's house the other day then she got home just like that already." Nayeon shrugged off her shoulders, defending herself because she didn't do anything to her daughter actually.  "Maybe Sana and Chaeng quarrelled?" The latter also asked. "It's possible. I'll talk to her later Nabongs. I have to prepare for now." Jeongyeon took a last bite of her omelette and did her thing before leaving the house.


Today is a great morning for Myoui Mina. After settling some things in her expensive condo, she decided to drive herself at the Deokseong store as early as possible. She did her best to check the products and ask all her workers regarding the stocks as well. After that, she bought some snacks for Sana. The latter's tongue might get tired of eating cake so she chose to gift her snacks and carbonated yogurts that she would enjoy on her break time.

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