The Beginning

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Chaeyoung had been looking at her phone for a long time. The latter was trying to contain herself from texting Sana. To be honest, it is really difficult for her to face the situation this time plus the hot afternoon makes it even worse. A thought of how her dream relationship would never burgeon leads her head to gnaw in pain. She didn't text Sana last night in purpose. As what have Jeongyeon told her last night before she sleeps, it should be done through face to face interaction instead of sending a message. The mother also explained how text messages could be misunderstood and Chaeyoung thought that her mom had a point.

Chaeyoung is so lucky to have Dahyun and Tzuyu who are always there to support her behind. She can breathe normally because she's free from heavy schoolworks. After a tiring school day and a fun bicycle ride, the three already parted their ways. Chaeyoung was found in front of the famous store near the Deokseong highschool, her bike was resting on the parking lot. The latter decided to enter inside and inquire for some good snacks at the food section. The moment she grabbed a box of cookies, someone approached her by calling her name. However, Chaeyoung is too familiar with that voice. She already knew though she's not even looking at the person who called her. It was Mina. Oh yes, Mina. Until now, she's still mysterious for Chaeyoung. Other than that, when she's looking at the older, she gets nervous suddenly. At this moment, Mina greeted Chaeyoung who's stiff. The girl was holding the cookies so tight. "H-hi... Mina eonnie." Chaeyoung embraced the box she grabbed and then, she slowly lowered her head. Mina looks stunning with her fitted turtle neck top tucked in her simple but expensive denim trousers. In short she's in her casual look today and it is all new to the student's sight. Chaeyoung admits she can't pull off an expensive vibes with that style.

"Are you okay?" Chaeyoung's instinct right now is to be cautious because that made her feel uneasy. That question is often asked by someone who's concerned. "Y-yeah I'm okay eonnie." The girl then brought back what happened last time. "Ah about that? Don't worry. It's fine." Mina chuckled a bit. "Uhm, you're buying as well?" Chaeyoung asked so she could kill the awkward air. She saw her holding a small box of a cake. The older just responded with a nod. "Anyways, where are your friends?" The two of them started to walk together to check the displayed foods slowly. Mina asked her. "They already went home and I have to do something else that's why I'm left alone." The student explained and at the same time, checking the label of the seaweeds she took but she placed it back. "I see..." Mina failed for having a continuous conversation. However, there's something that popped out from Chaeyoung's head. "Mina eonnie." Mina gave her attention to Chaeyoung in no time. "Hmm?" The older asked. "Well um... I'm really bashful to ask this. I am not still informed about your age and some other stuffs about you." Mina stopped from taking steps and took a look at the student who's totally clueless about her. She just know her name and that she's a substandard person. The older eyed her straight. "N-no... I m.. I mean I just wanna ask." Chaeyoung was trying to tell the older that she isn't interested with her at all. She just wanted to ask. Later on, Mina parted her lips and utter the numbers that represents her life. On the other hand, Chaeyoung dilated her eyes. It makes her more uneasy knowing that Mina's already double her age. Knowing that Mina's already in her late thirties makes her brood of something. Maybe Dahyun's right that the older is acting as that sugar thing. First of all, Mina didn't get mad when she dented her expensive car. Second, Mina bought her an expensive skateboard and lastly, Mina meets her often as if it's on purpose. "Tell me why did you not charge me when I dented your car? Explain the skateboard you bought for me..." Since Chaeyoung was all surprised by the disclosure of her age, she didn't hesitate to ask these questions. Mina somehow understood what she was trying to say. She became panicked as well. "No no no no! Don't think that way. I- you know, I'm just fond of teens like you. You reminded me of someone. Please don't take it that way. I'm just trying to be a good friend." Mina can hide how embarrassing the situation is right now. Good thing, Chaeyoung did not take it seriously. She apologized after. Both of them just laughed it out loud. "And if you'll ask, yes, I currently own a company in Japan." Mina was trying to be as cusual as possible to make Chaeyoung comfortable.

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