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Yaayyy second update of the day.

He fucked me all night. I was dry to the core and him continuously pounding me didn't make things better. I am on the verge of blacking out! But don't know, if there is actually someone who cares about me. Ohh God, what a pathetic situation I am in. Didn't know where things went wrong?! What is my mistake in this to be punished in this way! As though, all these things were not enough, after fucking me, he pushed me down to the hard cold floor. He slept!

I am helpless not knowing what has to be done. I am naked. That monster didn't give me any blankets or sheet to cover myself.

Manik: nice fuck baby! Can't wait to fuck you more. How about you coming to my cabin tomorrow and we have a nice office sex?

Even though I wanted to reply him, I kept quiet as I am not yet ready for another round of his torture.
I went to the washroom partly to clean up myself and partly to bring down the tears that I have held up soo long. I cannot show I am weak in front of manik. But who is there to judge me in the washroom? I seriously don't know from when on I have become like this?! Soo weak! I am not even able to say a word to him. Who is he to control my life? I am not bound to him. I should put my company in a safe place without him even knowing it. But how??


I came out of the washroom, as a new self. I am no longer the girl he married. I am fire. I will destroy Manik Malhotra. I quietly went and dressed up myself and went and slept in the other room. As much as I wanted to spank his face, I controlled myself.

The next day, I woke up before he could and went to the gynecologist to check if I am alright. Again! I am not the girl who is afraid to visit a gynecologist. I know my health is more important than anything else. The doctor prescribed me some medicine for my soreness and blood clot in my inner thighs. I cannot walk because of the sharp pain! But, I am not that weak to show it out. I am not ready to give him the satisfaction of breaking me. I went to my office. Even though, I felt like laying down completely, I didn't. I went to my office and as usual, did all my job. Oh of course, I had to pretend that nothing is wrong with my new marital life. I had to smile all day. When I was attending a department meeting, that husband of mine, came to our board room with his stupid smirk. I just wanted to smack that smirk off his face but I did the exact opposite. I smiled when he made a entry coz I am supposed to "blush" when my husband comes.

After meeting, everyone left quickly to give us "Privacy". My foot. I turned and was about to leave.

Manik: oh my strong baby! Being fucked all night yet soo fresh and fiesty in the morning.

Nandini: of course, I had to be strong. I have married you manik! The great manik Malhotra that every girl tries to own.

Manik: but at the end, I am yours as much as you are mine.

Nandini: oh is it. Thanks for reminding me. Thanks for letting me know.

Manik: what's up with that attitude nandini?

Nandini: somethings can't be changed manik. I am born with this attitude of mine. No matter how much ever you try to destroy me, I will be back with my attitude manik.

Manik: let's get your attitude grounded this night sweetheart.

Nandini: you think so ;)

I walked away fiercely. Our manik was surprised. In fact too much surprised to see me this way! This is the beginning Malhotra! Wait and watch. Even though, I walked way fiercely, my thing hurts a lot so eventually I started limping, not able to walk anymore, I went to my cabin and sat. Then something unexpected happened!
Manik came!

Manik: are you alright?

Nandini: what?

Manik: are you alright nandini? I saw you limping back to your cabin.

Nandini: why pretend like you care?

Manik: I care.

Nandini: oh yeah. Nice joke. Anyway, please leave, I have some work to do.

Manik: no. You are not doing any work and that's final.

Nandini: like seriously manik. You thought i will obey you. What am I your kid?

Manik: no my W.I.F.E

Nandini: ohh then happy realization manik.

Manik: I am sorry for yesterday.

Nandini: what? Wait. I didn't hear it properly. Come again.

Manik: I am sorry for yesterday nandini. My anger took off a whole new level with your feminist thoughts of not being under the control of a man. My ego got hurt. Anyway, whatever explanation I give, will not justify my actions. But I am sorry.

Nandini: you yourself told me that whatever you say will not justify your monster actions so why try?

Manik went out putting his head down in Shame. Oh boy! I felt proud. I felt proud of myself to put his pride down. I quickly signed the documents that I have to and sent through my p.a to get it signed from manik, as he is the major shareholder.

To be continued......

(Some exciting twists coming up! )

Do you think Nandini will ever forgive manik?

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