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    "Things happened. Bad things. But they already happened. There's no use in letting yourself hold on to regret. It will do nothing."

But I knew I should be saying that to myself. I was stuck; the familiarity of this country, the career I poured my blood, sweat, and tears for, and the comfort it brought had shown itself to me yet again, but for some sick, twisted reason, I was seeking fsomething else: the thrill. A sense of unfamiliarity but promising peace. Cagayan. Oasis. A certain someone who was waiting for me in a place we both came to 'just because'.

A home to ease my longing.

I was stuck, left wondering if I really could do nothing for myself. I could almost feel regret seeping through my veins, threatening to burst and destroy me from the inside, begging me to let go.

And it was beyond me. I didn't know how, because I was still here. I couldn't go.

Easing Heimweh (Heim, #1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now