Chapter 12

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(Music is for you to listen to while reading 😋)

Matikaah P.O.V.

"Just try it. Trust me it'll feel good," Teddy told me.

It was me, Kasey, and Teddy. Me and my bestfriend, Kasey, met up with our other friend Teddy at the neighborhood park. My house was literally down the street and make a right. When we met up with Teddy, he told us to come back to his house with him because he had something cool to show us.

"Just take one hit. You'll like it," he edged me on to take a hit of the weed he had found in his older brother's room.

"I don't know, Teddy. It seems like a bad idea and Kharter told me to never do drugs," I tried to turn him down.

"Kasey took a hit and she liked it. I wouldn't hurt you, Tikaah," he smiled at me. I looked over at Kasey to see she was in a daze.

"Mmm... okay," I hesitated. I slowly took the joint from him and and sucked as much in as possible. I started to cough like crazy. It was strong and tasted funny. Something I'd never tasted before. I started to feel funny, so I took a seat. I felt kind of happy.

"Feels good, right?," Teddy grinned.

"Mhmm," I nodded as my mind started to imagine weird things. It was so calm and my thoughts flourished endlessly. Happy thoughts.

By this time the blunt had came back around and I took another hit, this time more cautiously, so I wouldn't cough as much. I started to feel really good for some reason and just started laughing randomly. And after a few seconds, so did Teddy and Kasey. Teddy got up to open the window so the scent wouldn't be noticeable to other people in the house.

We spent all day there, passing around the joint til it was done. Kasey had perfume in her purse, so we used it to cover up the scent of weed on us.

It was getting dark so we walked each other home. First we walked Kasey to her house and told her bye. Now Teddy was walking me home and it was kinda quiet.

"What are you thinking about?," he asked me.

"About what we did today. I wonder if my mom will find out or if it's gonna hurt me or..." he stopped and looked at me. I stopped walking also.

"I said I wouldn't give you anything that would hurt you, Tikaah. Stop worrying," he grabbed my hand. It made me feel tingly. I wondered what that feeling was.

"We hanging out tomorrow?," He asked as we reached my house.

"Sure, if my mom says it's okay," I said about to walk up to my door when he pulled me in for a hug. That same feeling came back as when he was holding my hand, but stronger. It was mainly in my stomach and it was like I was nauseous.

"Later Tikaah," he let go.

"Night Teddy." I walked into my house. I ran up to my room, yelling "I'm back" just incase my mom was home.

"Tikaah, you know where Ashley is ?," She yelled from somewhere in the house.

"Nahhh, I don't ma. Call her phone. I'm sure she prolly with Aiden or somethin."

As the words left my mouth, Ash walked in the door yelling, "I'm back !"

"Good what ya want for dinner?," my mom asked still yelling from what I'm assuming is her room.

"Baked chicken !," Ash yells from her room.

"With Mac & cheese. Just the whole 9 yards ma. You know where to go with it," I yelled from my room.

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