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Minerva McGonagall stood in the Entrance Hall by the doors to the Great Hall, a scroll of parchment in her hands that hung to the floor. YEAR SEVEN STUDENTS, the top of the parchment read, and below was a list of every student in their seventh year who was expected to be sitting the N.E.W.T. Exams.

McGonagall stared shrewdly at the list, checking off the names as students passed by her into the Hall. Many students looked sick to their stomachs or pale with nervousness, others were chanting things they'd studied under their breath like mantras. Others hustled past her as though they were afraid she would stop them and quiz them on the spot.

Finally, McGonagall had checked ever name off the list, save for five very particular names.

She pulled her glasses off her face and let them hang by a beaded chain at her neck. "Miss Evans," she called across the Hall. Lily was standing, anxious, by the cases that held the jewels counting the house points, fidgeting. She looked up when McGonagall called her name. "It is time that you need to be going in to sit your exam," McGonagall said, nodding at the Great Hall.

"I'm just waiting for -"

"I know what you're waiting for but they are late and there is no need for your grades to suffer for the lack of the Marauders' punctuality." McGonagall sniffed.

"What if something's wr--"

"I will see to locating them," McGonagall replied firmly. "Now, Miss Evans, seeing as you are the only Gryffindor student that has so much as arrived to the door of the exams, I implore you to please go in and sit them, so that my house might savor at least some scrap of dignity!"

Lily flushed, then nodded, and hurried over to the door, and hung there nervously looking back. McGonagall flipped her wand and Lily was gently pushed forward into the Hall. She smiled stiffly as Lily walked slowly to one of the few empty desks, scattered all about the room in little gaps between the groups who had arrived all together. McGonagall ticked Lily's name off the list.

At the head of the room, a wizard wearing a set of tweed robes waved his arm, indicating his wrist, and McGonagall nodded, and started closing the doors. As she did, she muttered to herself about all of the detentions she would administer to the missing boys.

"HANG ON MINNIE! We're coming!!!" Sirius's voice echoed about the Entrance Hall behind her, and McGonagall turned to see Sirius and Peter holding open the doors of the castle as James came in carrying Remus piggybacked. Her eyes widened and she stopped the Hall's doors long enough to watch first Peter scurry by, followed by James ("Hullo Minnie!") and Remus ("Morning, Professor."). Sirius came jauntily along, his leather jacket flung over his shoulder.

"Mister Black," McGonagall started, "You are late."

"Nay, my good woman, but we've made it just in the nick." Sirius grinned as he sauntered through the barely still open doors into the Hall.

McGonagall shook her head at the audacity, and started closing the doors again. Before she could, though, Sirius's head popped back through. "Oh and Minnie, darling, I wanted to know - what is it that you and dear Professor Urquart get up to over summer?"

"Pardon me!?" McGonagall spluttered.

"Elphie, I suppose you know him as," Sirius said, grinning wildly.

"I haven't any idea -"

"Alright I'm sorry, you and your mysterious plus one, then, are invited to an incredibly gay-gay-gay wedding in June. Do mark it on your calendars, darling. We'll be most disappointed if you don't show up. Formal invites and RSVP requests will be sent out after the NEWTs have concluded!" Sirius disappeared into the Great Hall and with a flick of his wrist he closed the Hall's doors behind him.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now