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Dorcas Meadows screamed.

Not because of what was happening to her - but because of what was happening to Elphinstone Urquart. She was being held by a Death Eater, masked and cloaked, voice gruff and low as he cackled evilly, watching as the Dark Lord bounced Elphinstone Urquart up and down - stopping only just before cracking his head on the stone floor - turning him about in the air as though he were a play thing. Death Eaters were gathered all around the library, and Ned Veigler, too. The tall, beautiful stained glass windows had been shattered, books lay with broken spines and loose pages fluttering in the cold air that came in through shattered windows... Urquart was limp from the spinning... spinning... spinning... up and down... and up and down...

Voldemort grinned, watching his new toy.

"Stop it! Stop it, please!" Dorcas cried, and the Death Eater holding her back covered her mouth to shut her up, but it didn't work for Dorcas bit him instead and the man shouted and let go of her, causing her to tumble to the floor. She sprang up, and ran forward, hurrying toward the Dark Lord.

Voldemort was faster than she was, and with a flick of his wand, she, too, was airbound, swept right off her feet. She screamed again as the world spun upside down and she was levitated nearly to the ceiling before being dropped freely, only to be caught within centimeters of the stone floor. Voldemort's cold laughter grew and the Death Eaters around him chuckled and laughed, too, praising the Dark Lord for his evil ways. "Blood traitors, the both of you..." Voldemort hissed, "Traitors to the wizarding world.."

"Kill them my Lord," breathed Bellatrix, and the other Death Eaters joined in, chanting the words kill them, kill them, kill them in a low rhythm.

Voldemort watched them rise and fall, rise and fall, grinning widely. "Greyback," he called.

Fenrir Greyback pushed his way through the crowd of masked Death Eaters, stepping around from behind Bellatrix, who stared on with a giddy expression of pure excitement as she glanced between Greyback and Voldemort's prey. "My Lord?"

"Are you hungry, Greyback?" Voldemort asked.

"Famished, my Lord," Greyback grinned so that his pointed canine teeth showed and licked his lower lip. A close look at his mouth would show that he'd already feasted on something... blood had dried upon his chin...

Voldemort dropped Urquart to the long wooden table so that he hit the wood flat on his back, legs and arms spread, unconscious. Dorcas let out another scream, "Please!" she wailed, "Please, no!"

"Silencio!" Voldemort bellowed, hitting her square in the chest with the spell, sick of the noise she was making. He stopped bouncing her, letting her hand from the ceiling, her long black hair hanging from her head in a curtain, her tattooed arms dangling down, her body limp from being whipped about so mercilessly. The Dark Lord turned, his eyes landing on Greyback. "And now you feast," he said simply, carelessly.

Greyback grinned and started forward toward the table hungrily.

"And now," Voldemort said, reaching into his robes pocket, "We will call my faithful servant... and retrieve the rest of my belongings..." he laughed as he withdrew the Mickey Mouse wrist watch, his eyes gleaming evilly. He squeezed it in his fist, knowing that somewhere Peter Pettigrew's arm was burning all along the stripes of the Unbreakable Vow. "I require an elf," he called.

"Take mine, my Lord," came a low voice from one of the Death Eater's masks - at exactly the same time as Regulus Black said the same. Regulus looked at the unnamed Death Eater in surprise. Never had anyone else offered up an elf before besides himself. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. The Dark Lord was supposed to send Kreacher... it was Kreacher who was supposed to bring Peter to him... Kreacher would've been able to tell James and the others in the Order that they were at Fallengunder, that the last part of the plan wouldn't work because of the dungeons being occupied by members of the Resistance...

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum