Eighteen Candles

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High up in the air, on the back of the strong, winged beast, Remus Lupin had felt the wind whipping over his face, pushing his hair back from his forehead, and sending a cold chill down his spine. There was dots of snow falling from the darkening sky as the sunset started to crest the far off Scottish mountains and Remus breathed deeply that crisp, biting air. He felt the heat of the last of the sun's rays on his skin and he stared up at the pin-prick stars, thinking of Ned Veigler and all of the losses that he had suffered over the last seven years, and he closed his eyes... Then gripped the Hippogriff's neck tightly as he turned to fly downward, swooping in a long, arching roll that made Remus's body lift as though weightless... He felt somehow renewed, as though the rush of the air ll around him had blown away his sorrowful countenance, and he raised his arms up as though he, too, had wings, and let the hippogriff's flight carry him upward into the sky once again.

Newt had bade them good night after the sun set completely, returning Witherwings to the safety of the briefcase. He'd presented Remus with a gift - a rough hewn bit of amber stone within which was captured a curled dragon embryo. "It's - it's a Persian dragon," Newt explained, "Th-they're extinct you - you know."

Remus had stared at the stone, cradling it in his palms. "But this must be priceless!" He looked up at Newt Scamander with worry.

Newt had shrugged, "P-perhaps, but it - it's just a - a curio, r-really... The w-worth of it is wh-what you put in- into it, as with any - anything else." He looked at the way Remus's fingers curled 'round the stone. "You - you will treat it w-with care, I know." He smiled. "Per-perhaps she will b-bring you h-healing and p-p-protection. That's wh-what Persians were kn-known for, you - you know. Th-they had a b-brilliant aura th-that cast away the p-pain of the m-mind." He nodded. "I've u-used it for a good m-many years," Newt stared at the amber. "And n-now, may - may it help y-you." Newt had reached forward and closed Remus's hands around the stone and nodded with satisfaction before wishing the boys a good night, taking up his briefcase, shouting a Happy Birthday to Remus, and disapparating away.

Now, as James paused to wave his wand to lock the door of the shack, Remus could feel the amber stone heavy in his pocket, and he smiled. Remus felt lighter than he'd felt in a great deal of time, and quite thankful for the feeling, too.

"That was quite thrilling, that was," Remus declared, talking about their time with Mr. Scamander and Witherwings. His face was flush from the cold air outside, and his lips a wee bit chapped. "A more thrilling ride couldn't be had anywhere, I'm sure of it!"

Sirius cleared his throat.

Remus's flush deepened, "Well, really, Sirius, I don't think sex can be compared to a hippogriff!"

Sirius grinned wickedly, "Sex? Sex?! Moony! Dirtyyyy! I meant my motorbike!" He pulled the cycle out of his pocket and held it up for Remus to see, the chrome on it flashing, even in the dim light.

Remus's face grew even redder, if that was possible.

"You did not mean your motorbike, and we all know it," James spoke up, smirking. "And, blimey mate: if Remus Lupin is dirty minded, it's you who've gone and broken him, isn't it?"

"Says the King of Shagging!" Sirius scoffed, "Mr. Got to Go Do My Rounds! Funny nickname for Lily, isn't it? Rounds?"

James grinned. "Perhaps it's her who calls me rounds, ever consider that?"

"Oh-ho! Is that so?"

"Psh! Don't act surprised, you know how do-able I am!"

Sirius snorted.

"I rather enjoyed the hippogriff rides, too!" Peter spoke up, eager to be included.

They all glanced at Peter, a smirk playing on Sirius's mouth but, for once, he managed to hold back whatever nasty comment he was thinking about Peter's slow response and lack of comprehending what they were actually talking about. Instead, he simply drawled out, "I'm not denying you're do-able, Prongsie. I could never deny such a thing, my harem."

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now