What Kind of Ghost is Afraid of Ghosts?

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"I'm bored," Sirius complained for about the thirtieth time in so many minutes. 

Remus was bent over the desk, working on a paper that was due after the holidays (a paper which Sirius hadn't even started yet), and had several textbooks open across his desktop, revising studiously. "So do something, then," Remus suggested.

Sirius frowned. "Like what?"

"Dunno," Remus said, "Use your imagination."

Sirius grinned, "Dirty."

Remus sat upright and turned around, "I didn't mean like that, you foul thing."

Sirius's eyes danced. "So c'mere and we'll use our imaginations together."

Remus raised an eyebrow. "Unlike you, sir, I'm actually doing something that is keeping me quite busy, thank you," he turned back to his desk and positioned his quill once more, running his finger along a page, tracing a sentence...

Sirius moaned, "I'm bored, Moony. Help."

"You could work on your paper, too," Remus suggested. "Actually give writing it yourself a go so I don't have to do it twice."

"That's just as boring as doing nothing," Sirius complained. He got up on his knees and shuffled closer to the end of the bed on them, leaning over so he was looking over Remus's shoulder intently.

Remus glanced at him. "What are you doing?"

"Watching you."


"Because you're my fiance, Moonpie, and you're supposed to entertain me."

"Oh is that it?" Remus asked.

"Mmhm," Sirius nodded. "Official definition and all."

"I rather think it's not," Remus replied. Then, "Bloody hell that sounded weird. Fiance."

Sirius grinned, "Sounds bloody fantastic to me. Even better than boyfriend, but not nearly as grand as husband, and one day somewhat soon in our intermediate future, I'll call you that everyday."

Remus laughed and shook his head, but he was smiling.

"Have you changed your mind at all about the unicorn, by the way?" Sirius asked, having told Remus of all the brilliant ideas he'd come up with for their wedding while talking to James, only to be somewhat sternly told that the wedding should be a simple affair amongst friends and family and not some gaudy circus sideshow.

Remus said, "No, I haven't."

"What about the disco ball and pistachio green suits?" Sirius tried.

Remus shook his head, "Most definitely not."

"Surely you don't have anything against the animalistic snogging for our first kiss, though, I mean..."

"Yes, not a thing wrong with snogging in front of everyone we know and love," Remus said, "Hell, why don't we just have it go I now pronounce you husbands and you may go ahead and shag right here at the alter?"

"Brilliant!" Sirius cried. 

"I was just -- oh nevermind, I'm not even going to dignify it." Remus rolled his eyes.

Sirius snaked his arms around Remus's shoulders. "Moony?"


"I'm bored."

"I know you are," Remus answered.

"Entertain me, Moony," Sirius begged.

Remus mused, "You know, actually, I have an idea for you to stay busy doing. Why don't you go and find Peter? Huh? He's only been missing for - what now, four days? Bloody would be nice to know where he is, wouldn't it be?"

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