Suit Yourself

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"Sirius, you're being a real git about this."

"I'm not being a git about anything - I'm thinking of the entire Wizarding World and the safety of every bleeding thing I hold dear! You and Moony and Evans and even Peter!" Sirius said. He threw aside the textbook that had been resting on his lap with a frustrated sigh. "Look, Prongs, I don't like suspecting my brother of things anymore than you do, but the difference between you and I is that I have a realistic expectation of the Black family, alright? He's as Black as they come, James, and you can't judge him by me and the things I believe in and fight for."

James rolled his eyes.

It was late night, nearly sixteen hours after the emergency Order meeting, and James and Sirius were up later than the others, studying in the trophy room passageway alcove. James had been practicing the Nuntius Patronus, casing talking stags that kept prancing over and telling Sirius things in a shimmering sort of echo of James's own voice. It had reminded him of the meeting, of Kreacher and Regulus, and asked Sirius if he had told Regulus about the meeting... Which had prompted an absolute and definitive "no" from Sirius.

"Your brother isn't a traitor," James said, "Not to our side, at least. You're just -" He'd been about to say jealous, but he didn't know of what.

"I'm just what?" Sirius challenged, sitting up.


Sirius scoffed.

"He deserves to know what's going on. What's more, he ought to know the Nuntius Patronus charm, in case he needs --"

"He's got that filthy house elf for that!" Sirius interrupted. "Who needs a talking patronus when you've got full control of a bloody little toerag like Kreacher?"

James shrugged. "Perhaps there was a message he couldn't send by Kreacher?"

"He could say anything to that stupid elf," Sirius said. "He'll probably marry him one day, with how much they get on about one another!"

James rolled his eyes. "I think you ought to teach your brother the Nuntius, Sirius."

"And I think its pointless, not to mention dangerous, because if he finds out thats how we're communicating, he can run off and tell all his dark mates and then the Order will be screwed!"

James sighed, "Sirius, if he was going to betray us, he would've done by now. He's had plenty of chances to!"

Sirius snorted in frustration, then plucked his book up from the couch beside him and stuffed his nose into it haughtily.

James sighed, "Sirius... Sirius, come on." But Sirius didn't make any advancements toward moving or paying him any mind whatsoever. James felt his face flush with annoyance. "Fine," he said resolutely, "Fine, then, suit yourself."

"Suit myself?" Sirius lowered the book just as James disappeared 'round the door of the alcove. Sirius launched himself up and ran after James. "What d'ya mean? Suit myself??"

"I mean suit yourself. Stay in there and read or whatever you fancy, and I will take care of your brother myself." James marched on down the passageway and Sirius tramped along beside him hurriedly.

"No you're not, you can't even get him, only I can summon Kreacher -"

"I don't need Kreacher anymore, do I? I've got my stag."

"Rich that'll look bursting in through the Slytherin common room and waking up the lot of his dorm mates."

James shrugged.

"You know Dumbledore said only to use it on members of the Order."

"Regulus is a member."

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now