The Cave Over Hogsmeade

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Sirius Black's motorbike flew over the darkness of the reaching trees of the Forbidden Forest, circumventing the whole of Hogsmeade, and arriving in record time at the cave in the moutainside overlooking the village. Sirius glided the bike down onto the path that climbed up through the scraggly trees to the top of the mountain, and drove the bike carefully the rest of the way, stopping just outside the maw of the cave, turning off the motorbike and undoing his helmet. 

Remus was clinging to him. "Is it over, then?" he asked as the motor's roar died down.

Sirius laughed, "We're there, if that's what you mean."

Remus slowly disengaged his grip on Sirius's torso. "Bloody hell I hate that thing..."

"Oh don't be such a spoilsport, Moonpie, you love it." Sirius grinned as Remus took off his helmet, too, and then Sirius shrunk the whole lot of it down and pocketed the motorbike in his leather jacket. He looked around. "It's actually rather peaceful up here," he said.

Remus looked around, too. Far below, he could just see the rooftops of Hogsmeade peeking through the trees, snow capped and gleaming white. Far off across the shining Black Lake was the silhouetted form of Hogwarts, sharp and jaggedy against the clear blue sky. The sun reflected off the lake brightly, like a billion diamonds shining. He wished that they were there for a picnic or some pleasant thing. Plenty of time for that once Voldemort had been incarcerated, he told himself, and he drew a deep breath and turned to look at the cave.

The cave was dark and as he stepped inside, he could hear mice running away, scurrying through the dark along the walls, squeaking as they went. There were cobwebs, too, and a constant dripping, like a leaky faucet, from somewhere deep inside, beyond where they stood. 

Sirius stood in the middle of the cave, looking about. "If nothing else," he said, "If we aimed a good reducto right about there --"

"What is it with you an the reducto?" Remus asked.

"-- the cave would come crashing down and crush the old fucker right on the spot," Sirius finished, without answering Remus's inquiry.

Remus looked up at the cave. "And anyone else who was inside it."

"Yeah, I s'pose," Sirius agreed.

"Not s'pose, definitely would," Remus said firmly, "So don't go getting any ideas. You can put that one right out of your head now."

"Yes, daddy," Sirius said, grinning suggestively.

Remus blushed. "Shush."

"You know," Sirius said, "This could be an excellent spot to come during Full Moon nights sometime."

"Too close to the village," Remus replied, shaking his head.

"Alright. On non-full moon nights, then. You and me and we'll light some candles, bring  duvet from the castle... have a little fun under the stars..."

Remus blushed again. 

"You know you'd enjoy it," Sirius said, "Look, there's even a nice rock ledge over here you could push me against and --"


Sirius jumped in surprise, leaping backwards and nearly knocking Remus over. Remus had only just caught him before he tumbled onto his arse, righting him quickly. They exchanged nervous glances. Had Peter given Voldemort the locket already? Where was the rest of the Order? Were Remus and Sirius to face him on their own? Panic rose up in Remus's face, yet he drew his wand, and so did Sirius, and they moved into the cave quickly - not wanting to give Voldemort a chance to gather his bearings - the element of surprise was the only thing that was on their side if they were to face him alone...

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