Maybe Someday

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James and Lily lay next to one another on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, an inch of space between them. James's breath was still a bit raggedy and his heart was going fast as could be - from both the, erm, cardio workout as well as the stress of wondering what in Merlin's name was going through Lily's mind about now. He turned his head to look at the profile of her face, her little nose and the blinking lashes of her eyes, silhouetted by moonlight coming in the window. He swallowed back the anxiety and turned to face forward, returning his gaze to the ceiling.

Beside him, Lily turned to look at him, too. She had the sheets pulled up to her collarbone and tucked under her arms, and her hands were folded across her stomach, but now, looking at him, she dropped her arms to her sides, like he was doing, and slowly inched her fingers across the mattress to his fingers, touching them softly.

James looked at her and their eyes met and Lily smiled a little smile, biting her lower lip.

"Alright, Evans?" James asked.

Lily nodded.

"Yeah?" he asked, curious, wanting to ask questions but not quite daring to. He wanted to ask if he'd done alright, if she'd enjoyed it as much as he had, if she thought he was maybe even good at it? But he couldn't muster the words for such questions.

Lily's fingers squeezed his. "Yeah," she said, then, "Bit more than alright, I s'pose." She giggled.

James felt his spirits soar. "Yeah???" he asked, eager.

Lily laughed at the tone of his voice. "Yeah," she said.

"You reckon we did good, then?" James asked.

Lily nodded, "For a first go, I'd reckon we must've done well..."

"Did I get an 'E' then?"

Lily laughed, "You've earned your OWL for certain."

James grinned.

"Official results will be sent to you via post."

"I'll be watching the skies."

They were quiet again, just laying there holding hands, staring at each other. James suddenly rolled onto his side, reaching over to push a bit of her hair back, and he stroked her face. "I'm so glad that of everyone in the entire world I'm laying here with you, Evans. I know this sounds quite lame, but -- I'm glad that it was you that I've done it my first time with... and I, er, hope that we could maybe... do it again sometime."

Lily snort-laughed at this.


"You! I hope we could maybe do it again sometime." Lily shook her head, smiling, "You bleedin' idiot."

"Whaaat?" James drawled, and he wrapped his arm over her, snuggling closer, and resting his cheek next to hers on the pillow so that their noses touched for a moment before she turned her head to look at the ceiling and he kissed her cheek softly. "What am I a bleedin' idiot for now?"

"I s'pose it comes naturally to you, Potter," Lily teased. Then, "I intend to do it again with you quite often."

"Is that so?"

"Yes," Lily answered.

James grinned. "Well, as previously discussed, I am quite a busy person, so you'll have to book an appointment... Have your people call my people."

Lily replied, "Gods alive, James... If Remus even mentioned it to Sirius -- first off, he'd turn about as red as the Queen of Hearts, and secondly they'd get quite distracted and you'd never get the message from your people."

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now