Merlin's Bleeding Testicle

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Sirius had sent Peter Pettigrew over to the Slytherin table during lunch to tell Regulus to go and pack an overnight bag and to meet them in the Entrance Hall by half-five.

"An overnight bag?" Regulus asked, confused. "What for?" 

"It isn't like we're walking all that way back that late!" Peter had said, twitching nervously as he glanced at the whispering, snickering Slytherins that surrounded the table.

Regulus had still been a bit confused - he had figured his brother would want him out of his sight as quickly as possible, but an overnight bag sounded rather otherwise. He couldn't help but feel excitement course through him at the idea that he might just be getting included in one of the rumored adventures that the Marauders got up to. Whatever made Sirius decide to include Regulus - be it James's request or else a change of heart based on the happenings at Number 12 Grimmauld Place - he didn't know, but he was very thankful for it  indeed.

Regulus had nervously collected a few of his belongings into a rucksack and now he stood in the Entrance Hall, nervously waiting the Marauders' arrival, scared that Sirius had played him as a fool and he wasn't really coming... especially when the time crept past half-five and there was no sign of Sirius Black. Regulus was about to go back to the dungeons - to the Slytherin prefect's toilet - and summon Kreacher to take him to meet with James Potter after all, when he heard the clomping sound of Sirius's boots on the stairway.

Sirius, Remus, and Peter had come down at last, and Regulus watched them descend the stairwell, Sirius and Remus talking while Peter scurried along behind, weaving to one side and then the other of the stairwell. When they reached the bottom, Sirius turned to Remus, "Alright, you lot go get ready, I'll be right there." He looked at Regulus as Remus and Peter headed out the front door of the castle and out onto the already darkening grounds.

People were just starting to trickle into the Great Hall for the dinner - Regulus could smell the roast from the hall where they stood. When the door had closed behind them, Sirius turned back to Regulus, fishing in his pocket and withdrawing a length of black cloth. "Here you are," he said.

Regulus stared at the cloth. "What's this?"


Regulus raised an eyebrow, "I bloody think not."

"Then I guess you can summons Kreacher and find an alternative route to the Shack," Sirius said, shrugging, "No skin off my nose what you do." He feigned at stuffing the blindfold back into his rucksack and before he could, Regulus leaped forward and grabbed onto it. "Rethinking, little brother?" Sirius chided him.

Regulus said, "Just help me to put it on, will you?"

Sirius took it and wrapped it quickly 'round Regulus's eyes, tying off the back and grabbing roughly onto Regulus's elbow, pulling him toward the Entrance Hall door.

Beneath the blindfold, Regulus stumbled over the flagstones and down the stairs as Sirius pulled him along by his elbow without much direction of how Regulus ought to be moving his feet for obstacles. He nearly took a tumble down the front steps and again as they stepped onto grass from the hewn pathway. Regulus was glad he'd worn layers of jumpers and a jacket, too, as the air was biting cold and a light dust of snow was falling from the sky. His nose was smarting as they walked, and after what seemed a very great distance, Sirius finally spoke again, "Alright. Be ready to move quickly and when I tell you, sit down and push off like a slide."

"A slide?"

"Trust me."

Regulus thought it rather ironic that Sirius asking to be trusted, considering how little trust Regulus would've been given had the tables turned the other way about. But Regulus rather believed in the thought that whatever Sirius was like toward him on the daily basis, when push came to shove, Sirius wouldn't actively hurt him. After all, whatever rough edges he had, he was still the boy who would take the blame for things he hadn't done just to save his brother from the punishments... wasn't he?

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now