Absolute Poppycock

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Over the next couple of weeks, James was stopped repeatedly by other students in the corridors, congratulating him, as the word got out that he had been accepted to the Auror Training Program with the Ministry for Magic. He received an owl from Frank Longbottom, a howler, shouting praises to the gods that James would be joining The Force, as he called it, and that he, Frank, would at long last have somebody there who he knew and who had a good sense of humor, as he put it.

"Old Franky wants to get up to no good," smirked Sirius when the howler had disintegrated over James's breakfast.

James dusted off his bacon, shoving a slice in his mouth and talking 'round it, "He works with Gideon and Fabian - it can't be all innocence and bubbles on The Force."

"I'm sure there's bubbles," Sirius said, and he waved his wand, a spurt of bubbles falling from the tip as he did. He smirked.

"Perhaps Frank needs someone to be on his side in a pranking war!" Peter suggested.

"Yeah!" Sirius said, lighting up instantly, eyes widening with amused excitement. "Yeah, that's got to be it. Potter, you've been recruited in a great battle, and I - I am here to support you in your fight for glory."

James laughed. "Oh gods, Sirius," he said, shaking his head.

"Whaaat?" Sirius asked, grinning, "It'll be brilliant. We'll give the Prewett's a what-for with our trademark pranks, conceived of by the genius that is me." He waved his hands at himself as though to indicate the embodied genius.

Remus said, "Who knew genius was a git?"

Sirius looked appalled, "I'm a sexy git."

"Agreed," Remus answered, and he mussed up Sirius's hair, which made Sirius take out his wand and threaten Remus with it, who ducked behind James, laughing. "You wouldn't!" he said.

"Oh like hell I wouldn't," Sirius said, "Boyfriend or no..."

"Fiance," Remus corrected.

James said lightly, "Careful Rey, the git might take you over his knee and spank you."

Sirius replied, "He'd like that too much."

"Me? You would, more like," Remus clapped back.

Peter looked rather traumatized.

Sirius grinned.

James vowed he'd never get involved in a Wolfstar squabble again, seeing as every time he did, he ended up with more information than he ever really wanted to know in the first place.

Snow fell over the grounds, deep and thick, the kind of snow that insulates and deadens the sound so that the world seemed silent and serene - and made the winter seem long and unending, impossible to believe that soon where that blanket of white was would be green grass and flowers.

"I hate this sort of snow," Sirius complained, glowering at it as it pelted the window of their dormitory. "Don't you?"

"I hate all snow," Peter muttered, bundled up in no less than three blankets and playing with his Tarot cards moodily.

James shrugged, "Dunno," he said, looking out the window nearest him at the grounds. Far below, Hagrid's hut was only just visible - a soft orange glow of his fireplace the only indication of it through the flurries - "It lends itself to a sort of... testament to the magic of the natural world."

Peter looked up from his deck with a raised eyebrow.

"Aren't you the poet?" Remus teased James, smirking.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now