Preparing for the Tea

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"You know he's taking the role of her father, don't you?" Sirius said, reaching around James to do up a bow-tie at his neck.

James met Sirius's eyes in the mirror they stood before in the dormitory, preparing for the tea. "Thanks, you're making me feel loads better about this."

"Don't let him scare you," Remus said. He was laying on his stomach on the bed, half watching Sirius prepare James for the tea with Slughorn, and half actually studying, breaking off bits of chocolate from a bar that laid at his elbow. "You'll be fine. Slughorn's been a big supporter of you and Evans getting together."

"Big supporter?" James asked, his voice squeaking as Sirius did the tie a little too tight before loosening it up a tad with a muttered apology. "How do you figure that, Moony?"

"Because he's put the two of you together as potions partners, hasn't he? Like three years running."


"So he could've put you with me, or put her with Marlene or Emmaline or Snape or --"

"He had her with Snape for awhile," Sirius intoned.

"Poor thing probably couldn't take a breath for the stench," Peter said, not even looking up from the tarot he was dealing on his bed.

"Good one, Pete," Sirius grinned.

Peter looked up, pink in the face, but quite happy for the comment.

Remus said, "My point is, he stuck her with you. And everyone in that potions room knew what was happening last term when you were arguing over that ruddy amortentia. Including ol' Sluggy."

James laughed and covered his eyes, "Bloody hell, we really were thick, weren't we? Both of us."

"To be fair, you've always been thick," Sirius said, "It's really Evans's fault." He folded the collar of James's shirt down to cover the strap of the tie and nodded his approval. "Very good, you look almost like a gentleman now."

"Brilliant." James looked down, "Also like a bit of a wanker, but that's alright, I s'pose."

"Slughorns looks like the sort that might appreciate a good wanker," Sirius smirked.

James said, "Well... let's not take it too far now, Pads, I've got my limitations." He looked toward the other two. "What do you lot think?"

"Don't forget your jumper," Remus replied.

Peter nodded enthusiastically, "You look quite distinguished, honestly."

"Thanks, Pete." James grabbed the jumper Sirius was holding out, per Remus's recommendation, and shrugged it onto his shoulders. "I mean - it isn't as though Slughorn's opinion really matters, yeah?"

Sirius shrugged.

"This is the part," James said accusingly, "Where you say anything you've got to make me feel better."

"Oh - right." Sirius nodded, then, "Yeah, his opinion's about as worthless as a scab on a flobberworm living under the dung of a hippogriff on Mars."

Remus mouthed the words Sirius had just said in disbelief of what he'd heard.

Peter said, "Wow, that's pretty worthless."

James rolled his eyes, "Alright, you lot. I'm off."

"Bye," Sirius sing-songed, and promptly flung himself upon Remus. He glanced at Peter. "Might want to go downstairs to study that, Pete."

"RULE. NUMBER. ONE." James pointed at the list on the door, even as Peter hastened to gather up his tarot deck and Divination book. "What's it say, Padfoot?"

The Marauders: Year Seven Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now