Not a Whore Chart

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"I'm telling you lot, Garm Tyr's a werewolf," James said after the DADA class, as Lily and Sirius followed him through empty corridors towards Gryffindor tower, having cast a muffliato, just for safe measures so that they could talk freely about the events of the class. "He has to be. And he's onto Remus, too."

Sirius nodded his agreement, "Yeah, I don't know what's going on with him that Moony can't smell it, but I agree. He's got to be. He is always sick at the same time that Remus is. And with a lot of the same symptoms."

"Perhaps Remus can't smell him because he's found some way to mask the scent of wolfishness? Maybe there's some sort of charm or special soap or something that Remus doesn't know of? I don't know," Lily suggested. 

Sirius shrugged, "Perhaps but I've read loads of books about werewolves - probably the only topic I've finished a book on at all, honestly --"

"How are you in seventh year without having read a book all the way through?" Lily muttered to herself.

"-- and I've never once seen a reference to a wolfishness-scent-reducing soap," Sirius concluded, ignoring Lily's question.

They reached the top of the last flight of stairs leading up, and were walking down the hall toward the Portrait of the Fat Lady, who sat grooming herself with a silver-handled brush and mirror, pomping her curls with her palm as she looked up into the reflection.

"Hang on," James said, pausing walking a moment to piece together his thoughts. "What if Garm is who Slughorn's been brewing all that wolfsbane for?"

"Brilliant!" Sirius said enthusiastically, "It's obvious! Wolfsbane must be how Dumbledore pays him for his work!"

"He's brewing it for the werewolves that Professor Veigler's hosting," Lily injected, shaking her head, "Remember? Professor Veigler said so. Remus said he said so."

"Damn," muttered Sirius.

James rubbed his chin. "Well, perhaps Garm is the 'contract' that Remus said he mentioned having to fill."

"Possible," Lily mused. "Or perhaps he's stealing it from the store rooms, the same as Severus is."

Sirius started to light up with a new suspicion, but James cut him off, "I don't reckon so, only because Minnie seemed to know Garm quite well. It sounded as though they might've attended school here together, even. I reckon the way she spoke to him that she would know it if he was a werewolf and if there were stores missing unexpectedly they'd look right to him as the thief."

"Oh, that's true," Lily mused. "Well, stores are going missing mysteriously if Snape's stealing some, aren't they?"

James rubbed his chin. "I don't reckon he's stealing it, I reckon Dumbledore must know he's a wolf and be giving him potion. Dumbledore knew about Ned Veigler, too, and still hired him, so I reckon there's no pulling the wool over Dumbledore's eyes, he just doesn't discriminate against werewolves."

"Good news for Remus's future, that is," Lily smiled.

James mused, "Yeah... but I'm not sure what it means for Garm Tyr and what his purpose here is."

"You know," Sirius said, "I really don't know what to think about Garm at all. He seems like a real arsehole evil bad guy type but --" He shrugged. "Dunno. There's something about him that makes me think he's not. We suspected Ned Veigler of loads of rubbish, too, that turned out not to be, once upon a time, too. So maybe Garm isn't so horrible, either. Maybe the whole arsehole thing's a facade."

"So basically what you're saying, Sirius, is that you like his hair so you're willing to overlook the terrible things he's done, bullying James and Remus?" Lily asked, half teasing and half annoyed.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now