All the Difference in the World

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Silence had fallen over the Shrieking Shack that was so complete the boys could hear the creaking of the wood beams high above, and the trees moving in the crisp autumn breeze outside. James, Sirius, and Remus all three stared at Peter, waiting for him to speak, and Peter, pale as a ghost, stared at the watch on his wrist, exposed, and too late to be hidden from view.

"Peter?" James prompted. "Isn't that my watch? My Mickey watch? The one my parents gave me for my birthday, that I've been searching for?" 

"I - I -" Peter stammered.

James's eyebrows went up, expectantly.

"I - "

Sirius was leaning forward now, and Remus had a curious look on his face.

"Yes, it - it is, yes," Peter said, nodding, "I - I found it. I found it this morning. While you lot were asleep, I couldn't sleep, and I'd got up and I found it - upstairs. You - you must've lost it."

James made a face and Sirius's fingers moved to his wand suspiciously. He glared at Peter sidelong. "That's impossible," James said slowly, "I lost it before we came back to Hogwarts."

"And besides that," Remus said, "I saw you with it last month during the full moon." He looked at James, "I meant to ask him about it and in all the goings-on I guess that I forgot."

James looked back at Peter again. "You've had it for at least a month, Wormtail? Why didn't you tell me? I've been going nutter looking for it. That watch is really important to me... my mum and dad gave it to me."

Peter was trembling.

"Give it here," James requested, his hand out.

Peter closed his eyes, "I - I -"

"Give James his watch, Peter," Sirius commanded sternly, glowering at Peter.

"I can't," Peter stammered, "I - I can't."

"Why not?" James demanded.

Remus was staring at Peter, watching his body language carefully. Peter started rubbing his wrist, panicking, sweat breaking out on his brow and his eyes bulging as he cast his eyes about, searching for words to speak.

"I - I can't," Peter cried, and tears began to well up in his eyes.

Sirius drew his wand and aimed it at Peter, standing up.

"Sit down, you arsehole," James said to Sirius, rolling his eyes, "You don't need to bloody threaten him --"

Peter was sobbing now, his pale face gone red.

"Pete, what's the matter?" James asked, turning back to his friend, "Why didn't you tell me about the watch?"

"I can't," Peter choked around a sob.

Remus asked, "You physically can't?"

Peter looked at Remus, and he nodded vigorously.

Remus glanced at the other boys. Sirius still had his wand drawn on Peter, but James met Remus's eyes. Remus turned back to Peter. "Did someone tell you not to? Are you under some sort of silencing charm?"

Peter nodded again.

"Who put the charm on you, Pete?" James asked.

Tears poured down Peter's face, "I - I can't --"

"Is it Voldemort?" Sirius asked.

Peter covered his eyes, sobbing. 

Remus looked up at Sirius, then to James.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now