McGonagall's Blessing

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"I heard she blasted him right out the window and the only reason he's alive today is because someone managed to perform the arresto momentum - just before he crashed through the roof of the Great Hall!"

James glanced at the over excited first year - Archibald Haddock - as he chattered away to two other Ravenclaw first years as they crossed through the Entrance Hall.

"And I heard she used an EXPLOSION curse to break down his door and nearly killed Mister Frek with the broken bits of wood as they gone flying through the air!"

"Well that's just embellishing things. Blimey," James asked, "Were we ever that stupid?"

Lily looked over her shoulder at Archibald, who was now re-enacting the scene that was rumored to have taken place between Professor McGonagall and Garm. She turned back to James. "I seem to remember a herd of First Year Gryffindors hiking through the Forbidden Forrest, counting their steps until they were outside of the protective charms, and summoning You Know Who with the aspirations of taking him out with a combined five stunners."

James said, "Yeah? So? What's your point? That was entirely plausible." He grinned that crooked grin as Lily rolled her eyes.

"Yes, very plausible. Obviously none of the aurors that had faced off against You Know Who had tried a stunner to stop him," she rolled her eyes, smirking at him, "Never thought of that, did they?"

"I mean, there's only a fair few aurors that aren't brainless tossers, really," James shrugged.

"Mmhm," Lily said, "And you'll soon be adding to their ranks, yeah, Potter?"

"Yeah!" James said enthusiastically, then he paused as Lily laughed and he said, "I mean adding to the fair few, obviously."

"Right, of course," Lily replied, "That's what I meant too."

Sirius threw his arm about them both, coming between them as he launched his weight onto James's shoulder. "Besides that, you were there with us, Evans, so you're just as stupid as we were... are... am?"

"Are," she said, shrugging him off her.

Sirius grinned, "Somebody took her sassy pills today. You're positively vicious darling."

Lily's eyes sparkled, "You'll survive the verbal assault, I assure you."

Sirius chuckled. "You've got yourself a keeper, Potter."

"She's a chaser, actually," James intoned.

"I'm not either," Lily countered, "Somebody didn't pick me for the team."

"You're my co-Captain!"

"Co-Captain!" Lily snorted. "Free snog in the locker room is more like."

Sirius looked delightedly between them. "The locker room, you say? Oh that would be an interesting place - perhaps I'll try on Moony out there one day... Oi! Speak of the handsome devil and that devil will doth appear -- hellooo Moonshine lookin' fine."

"You do realize," Remus broke in, ignoring Sirius and straightening the jumper Sirius obviously fancied rather a lot as he was coming up behind the others, Peter in tow, "That this entire school is talking about McGonagall's rampage to the Defense corridor?" Remus and Peter were both carrying bags of food from the kitchen for the weekend adventure to the Shrieking Shack, which was what had slowed them down in keeping up with the others.

"We were just talking about it," Sirius said, circling 'round and snatching the bag from Remus's fist, lugging it over his back like a peddler. "I fucking love what a badass persona Minnie's got now."

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