American Breakfast

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The motorbike roared over the height of the clouds and James clung onto the back of Sirius as they flew through the star-strewn sky, bathed in moonlight. It was well after midnight, and James stared down toward the ground - only a smattering of lights gleamed below, specs in the darkness. James watched them as the motorbike passed by them.  

"Where are we at?" James shouted over the wind that whipped about them.

"Not a clue!" Sirius replied. He glanced at his wand, which he'd set on a Point Me. "We're going North, though." 


"You cold?"

"A little."

"Me, too."

"Should we take a break?"

"I thought you'd never suggest it!"

The bike lowered slowly, breaking through the clouds, lowering quickly until it had broken through the tree level, and touched down on the pavement with a bump-bump-bump and Sirius pulled 'round to the side of the road. The woods were thick and dark, and they walked along the road a little ways, Sirius having made his motorbike small again to fit into his pocket, until they found a sign that declared they were in the United States, a place called Alabama.

"Well, that's helpful," Sirius said.

"Is it though?" James asked. "Do you know where in the States Alabama is?"

"Well, no. But. We could get a map."

"You've been getting on with Remus Lupin too much," James laughed, "You ruddy genius."

Sirius grinned, "Rubs off after a bit."

"Alright, so - let's pitch a tent somewhere and we'll sleep a bit, then get a map and figure out where the bloody hell we are," James suggested.

"Sounds fucking amazing," Sirius said enthusiastically. 

So the boys stepped off the road, climbing over a little guard rail, and trekked through the trees. The first thing James realized was that the woods in the States was a bit different than the woods around Hogwarts. For starters, it smelled thick of pine and the trees were sticky with sap and sharp needles that stabbed his arms. They were denser, and the ground was smushy with mud and moss, which smelled thick and hot.

It took them only a few minutes of slogging along through the forest before they changed to their animagus forms and sped things up a bit. It still took them a time to find a suitable place to rest, but when they did, they popped back and James started putting up protective charms while Sirius built a small fire. When they'd finished, they sat on logs, and ate some bread that Sirius had knicked from the kitchen back at Ingatus's house before they'd left, and they laughed and talked about the upcoming year at Hogwarts.

"D'you reckon Moony will get Head Boy?" Sirius asked. "Seeing as he was prefect and all?"

"Nah," James shook his head, "Probably whats-'is-name from Hufflepuff."

"How about Head Girl?" Sirius asked, "I think Evans is a shoe-in."

James slid to the ground in front of his log, leaning back so his head was against the bark, and stared at the fire, poking it with a stick he'd used to toast his half of the bread. He watched the embers fall and sparks fly up into the night... a gleam caught his eye on the face of his watch and he turned his wrist to look at it. Mickey Mouse smiled up at him from inside, his fingers dragging over the minutes and hours. 

"Earth to Prongs -- do you hear me?" Sirius called.

James broke out of his thoughts, having barely realized he'd been tuned out so long. He blinked at Sirius, "What?" he asked.

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