That's Why They're Called Flip Flops

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Sirius grinned as he let his sunglasses fall from the crown of his head onto his nose. He was wearing a pair of neon green bathing shorts with great big yellow flowers on them, yellow sandals to match, and carrying a drink in a big coconut, garnished with pineapple wedges and a big pink flower. He grinned as he walked across the pale white sand to where James lay on a lounge chair by the ocean, legs crossed, arms behind his head, watching the tide roll in. Sirius took a loud slurp off his drink's straw as he settled in the chair next to James's, smacking his lips and leaning back. "Oh this is the life, Prongsy," he said, sighing happily. "This is the life. This right here, this is what living is all about. I swear to Merlin's furry beard."

James's voice was noticably calmed as he answered, "Tell me about it. Bloody hell, I don't reckon I've ever been this relaxed in my entire life."

Sirius held up his coconut and shook it, smirking, "Look. Pina Colada. Like the song."

"Brilliant," James murmured.

Sirius slurped his drink and watched the tide for several long moments as it roared in over the sand, turning to white foam before drawing back into itself. Sirius pulled the pineapple off his coconut cup and ate it, holding it by the toothpick as he chomped.

James's eyes were closed.

Sirius slurped more of his drink, looking around. People were lining the coast, mostly doing exactly what James was doing. Sirius picked at the white meat of the coconut with his fingernail a moment, popping a bite of it into his mouth and chewed. He watched a seagull fly by on a thermal wind, soaring, wings spread wide...




"Prongs, I'm bored." Sirius looked at James.

James kept his eyes shut.

"Prongs, did you hear me?" he asked.

James murmured, "Yes, I heard you."

"What do you wanna do?"

"Lie here and enjoy the relaxing environment."

"But it's boring."

"Conjure a book. Surely you've got one you could pull out of your pocket?"

"I didn't bring any books - bloody hell," Sirius said, pulling a face, "What'd'ya think I am? Remus?"

James's eyes were still closed. 

"I miss Moony."

"You'll see him soon," James reminded him.


"And when you do, you won't be able to see the ocean anymore - not ocean like that, at any rate," James peeked through his sunglasses at the brilliant crystal-blue surface of the water beyond his feet.

Sirius looked. "Yeah, but. Once you've looked at it, it doesn't do anything, does it?" He shifted, crossing his legs. "At least once you've looked at Remus he does things. He does me, for starters."

"Now there's something I didn't need to know," James murmured. "There ought to be a spell. Scourgify, but for the brain."

"There's confundus?" Sirius suggested.

"Eh. Too much work," James decided and he reached over and took Sirius's coconut drink and took a sip.

"Get your own coconut," Sirius said in a mock threatening tone.

James yawned and handed the drink back, "I'm far too lazy for that."

Sirius sipped the drink again. "Hey, let's go for a walk."

The Marauders: Year Seven Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now