Garm Tyr

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"...murdered, I heard..."

"Killed by a werewolf."

"Torn to pieces..."

"...heard there was barely a bit left of him by the time they found him..."

"Werewolves - horrible creatures..."

"...didn't stand a chance..."

"I heard it was Ned Veigler's done it."

"Professor Veigler?"

"He's a werewolf."

"...nasty creatures, werewolves..."

"Professor Tyr didn't stand a chance."

"...they say all they found was a few bones..."

"...ate him alive..."

"There's laws about werewolves, they're supposed to turn themselves in on the full moon..."


"...should send him to Azkaban..."

"...Dementor's Kiss..."

"No bleeding werewolves deserve to live, they should kill them all."

"Shut your bleedin' mouth, if you know what's good for ya." Sirius snapped at the speaker of that last one, a young Ravenclaw. He glowered at him and the whole cluster of younger kids ran off down the corridor. He looked 'round at the other Marauders and shook his head, "None of them have any bloody respect, the whole damn school. Were we like that once?"

Remus nodded numbly.

"Oi, Moony, it's alright," Sirius said, pulling him closer.

Remus fell against Sirius rather limply. 

James sighed, leading the way down to the Great Hall, where the entire school had been called to assemble to address the news in a more official manner than the loads of gossip that was going about. "I just can't believe it's happened."

They Great Hall was buzzing even more than the corridors had been, people waving about the Daily Prophet, which had covered the news, and shouts going up as older students who knew Professor Veigler exclaimed in shock to learn that the old Defense teacher was a werewolf and had done in their current Defense teacher... younger students marveling at the revelation that there had been a werewolf at school, whispering how terrified that made them feel... Remus felt sick, and started to turn back to leave the Great Hall, but Sirius caught him and pulled him back, guiding him to their seats and hugging him tightly. Lily gripped James's hand in her own, their fingers laced together, squeezing them for support. On the other side, she held onto Peter's hand, though a bit more loosely than she was doing with James. 

Dumbledore was standing already as they entered, not yet talking, but leaning heavily against the owl shaped podium. He looked a good deal older than he usually did, James thought. He waited until everyone had sat and he gripped the podium's sides and cleared his throat and silence - absolute and complete - fell over the Great Hall like a tidal wave. He drew a deep breath.

"I believe everyone in the school has already heard the news of the death of our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Garm Tyr. Garm Tyr was, as the rumors have already told you, killed by a werewolf on the night of the full moon. And yes, the professor was, himself in fact a werewolf."

A great gasp and a low rumble of mutterings and murmurings went up among the students. Remus shivered in Sirius's arms as everyone voiced their hatred for werewolves all around them.

The Marauders: Year Seven Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now