Oh, There's the Ice Cream!

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"Say it again, just so I can convince my ears they're hearing right."

Marlene Mackinnon smiled quite evilly at Lily as they walked down Diagon Alley toward Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor.

Lily rolled her eyes, then, very carefully and clear on her pronounciation, she said, "I... like... James... Potter."

Marlene clapped her hands and grinned wildly. "Oh praise the gods you've finally come to terms with yourself." She patted Lily's shoulder, clapping her palm against her, "It's taken years! He must be thrilled? After all that chasing he's done?"

Lily hesitated then cleared her throat, "Well, Marlene, that's precisely the part that I need the advice from you on."

Marlene's eyebrows raised.

"How do I -- you know -- tell him?"

Marlene said, "Ask him out."

"I did that."


"And he assumed I meant with the other Marauders," Lily answered.

Marlene said, "So tell him you meant just the two of you."

"I did that, too," Lily said.


Lily sighed, "James Potter's brains are as thick as porridge sometimes Marlene, I swear it."

Marlene shook her head, "I'll say. So when are you going out with him?"

"I'm ... not sure," Lily answered. "He's gone for holiday in Costa Rica for the summer. With Sirius Black."

Marlene's eyebrows nearly shot off her forehead, "Bloody hell. Well assuming they make it back after whatever antics Sirius gets them into over there, where d'you reckon you'll be going with him?"

"Dunno," Lily answered, "We didn't really nail down any details. Probably the cinema. He enjoyed that when we went to see Monty Python a couple summers ago."

Marlene rolled her eyes, "Ugh - Lil, that's so lame. You should do something spectacular."

"Like what?" Lily asked.

"Something great, something memorable, something magnificent. Not something everyday and boring - like Monty Python."

"Oi, we happen to both love Monty Python, so don't go knocking it." Lily paused outside of Florean Fortescue's, right at the little gate, and faced Marlene, one hand on the handle. "I just don't want a lot of pressure on it because, I mean, honestly, it's the first time and -- I don't know if it'll work out and I don't want to get his hopes up too high until I'm positive but --" she felt her insides shiver at the thought of the look in his eyes the previous times they'd come close. "But I'm pretty sure of what I want this time."

"So long as it isn't butterscotched popcorn, you'll be alright," came a voice from a couple steps away. Lily and Marlene both turned and saw Jasper Odair popping up an umbrella over one of the patio tables. He smiled, "Sold out of that particular flavor this morning."

Lily's face broke into a grin and she pushed open the gate and hurried over to him, "Jasper!" she cried and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. "It's been such a long time - how are you?"

"Alright," he replied, and he smiled, then tossed his head to get the hair off his forehead as he stepped out of the hug with Lily. "How are you? ...Hullo Mackinnon."

"Hullo Odair," Marlene said, and she leaned against the gate, an amused look on her face. "Still working the old ice cream churn, are we?"

Jasper nodded, "Ah, yeah. Well. Florean Forescue's been mighty good to me and Edgar, and we're - we're doing well." He moved to the next table and popped that umbrella as well, clearing his throat, "Couldn't ask for better." He stood awkwardly before them a moment, then he added, "It's actually a lot of fun, coming up with new flavors for the shop and everything, and Mr. Fortescue's talking about training me up in how to run it myself one day, says he plans to retire eventually and do nothing but attend quidditch matches the rest of his life." Jasper chuckled. "So eventually... maybe it'll be Jasper's Ice Cream Parlour. Or maybe I could take a cue from Sirius Black..." Jasper waved his palms at the building, as though envisioning a sign, "Odaiiiiir's the Ice Cream!"

The Marauders: Year Seven Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now