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Here's your first short story. It's called acoustic, as you can see. 

I hope you enjoy this story, I got an A on it.. so I'm hoping it's at least mediocre.




 I'm turning nineteen tonight, at midnight, right on the dot. When Valerie, my best friend, requested me at the beach by ten, I should've know what she had in mind. I had a hint, tickling the tubes of my brain, but I ignored them the entire day. Of course, I'm just that oblivious to everything. I arrived in the parking lot in the beach, I collected myself, like having a pep talk with a team just before you break, but I was by myself and my pep talk was a random voice inside my head, convincing me everything will be alright.

During my 'pep talk', I flipped the mirror down to examine myself. It's been a long day of working constantly, then trying to keep myself awake is even more exhausting. The tiredness boldly swam in my eyes, but I guess they still have this urge hidden in the green people talk about. I took out the bun I was wearing to reveal my dark hair that swung at my waist. I fluffed through it, and adjusted it to sit on my face. I don't look perfect, but there's no one really that I want to impress.

I stepped out of the car and felt as the cold air hugged the skin on my legs, I knew I shouldn't have worn shorts. After I shut the door, I pulled on my sleeves of my sweater a little harder than I already was so they covered my knuckles, then rested my arms on my stomach. I expected to see Val waiting for me, with surfboards in each hand, although she knows I hate to surf. I'm already preparing my refusing speech that I know will fail me anyway.

I slip my shoes off at the border of asphalt and sand. I shivered when I let my bare feet kiss the cold sand beneath me. A small thought hit me once I had both feet sinking into the wet, ivory sand. Val didn't want me here to make me surf, but instead luring me into a surprise party she sneakily set up. That's why she asked me many random questions. "I'm just doing research on what a human being enjoys as a dessert. So, what flavored ice cream do you like?" She had asked me a week ago, then scribbled it down on a yellow notepad. How did I manage to let that slip by? I blamed it on the reason of her being gone all the time, busy with her new boyfriend. She's out wit him all the time, and when she comes back to say every detail about him I almost just block it out, so her asking a question about me is an actual shocker.

I walked further into the black beach, I found nothing. No Val, no party, just the emptiness of the darkness. A tune, that was drafted and almost silent, like a whisper filled my ears. It was music, out in the distance of the shore. It took me a few moments of listening to figure out it was the strums of a guitar, acoustic actually. It's melody was perfect, the tune was so calm and gentle, I wanted to fall asleep to it.

Curiosity drove my feet through the mud like sand, absorbing every moist grain onto the surface of my skin to follow the beautiful beat that echoes on the moonlit beach. A voice joined into the strums, it sang lyrics that I didn't know. It was a man's voice, full and deep. Husky at the low notes, which made goosebumps erupt through my arms and legs. I imagine the man singing, a guitar in his arms and his voice raging out in perfect harmony. His voice is hypnotizing, all the notes he hits puts me even more into a trance, hitting them just the right way to make fall in love with his voice.

I find the musical figure sitting at the line of the shore where the calm waves high five the dry sand, then retreat back. He sings proudly, something about the passion in his playing, how the lyrics are crafted in his voice, makes me want to get closer to him.

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