the rivalry between authors

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i have a lot i could attack you with.. an entire chapter  of many details that if people knew.. you wouldn't look so much like a hero.. but i'm not petty like you are. i don't want to tear you down in satisfaction. i don't post something i know would hurt you. i didn't run to an existing interest once we broke up and write every detail about them down, knowing you'd see.. hoping you'd see. you're trying to make me look like something i'm not. trying to write about these things you think are justifiable.. i assure you that from an outsiders point of view.. i was just your girlfriend, one that cared about you so much.. and for some reason you just couldn't handle that. you weren't ready for something serious. things i could accuse you of.. make everything you try to say of me sound little.. you're coming at me for personal things.. grasping at reasons to make me look like.. a monster. you exaggerate hoping it sounds worse, that i sound worse. you've come to some level where you want everyone to hate me. or just where you want me to see how much you hate me.. and that's okay.. but i won't do that to you. never intentionally.

i've never talked about you like that to anyone.. i've always said good things about you to people. the way i write on here- it's my digital journal and you know that.. you're not the only thing i write about on here.. this is where i've vented for over 4 years, this is my thing.. and i have more than just you who reads.. that's not your case. you know i'm your only follower, you only created this account to spy on what i posted while we were together and after that too. this is where i get everything out, it's the only place i don't have to hide.. and you're taking that away from me too.. acting like i speak ill of you.. if it offends you, don't read it anymore.. it's my journal, it's my thoughts..let me still have this and don't try to tear me down through chapters you post in reply to what i post. that's just.. immature. you're 19 now.. you should be the bigger person, but if you compared our two stories and all of the chapters.. it doesn't make you look very good..

i don't know what to do anymore.. i'm not even angry anymore.. i'm just tired.. and disappointed. it's drama.. it's just a headache.


this is the worst love story..

one day i began to thinkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora