Targeted part Two

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Marcus wrestled with Kyia.

He beat her with a punch to the face, which dazed her and reached for her gun.

I bolted towards them and almost fell, slipping on nothing, around the corner before I saw what was fully happening.

Soon as the scuffle came into full view, so did the others on the other side. Wasting no time, we jumped into the action.

Marcus was screaming all kinds of shit. Acting like a lunatic.

He paused. Catching his breath and checking if he was bleeding on his face from the amount of punches Kyia had delt him.

My friends took that precious time tackle him to tackle him to the ground. Elijah took hold of one arm while Jack took hold of the other. One slip of one of the boys grip, was all it took for Marcus to slip his arm out of Jack's grasp and punched him square in the stomach.

Elijah crumbed to the ground coughing; landing on his knees. Marcus had wacked his forearm into his stomach with enough force that a whack sound had echoed around us and the buildings. But before Marcus could finish him off, Jack managed to grab his fist and punched him so hard in the jaw his neck snapped sideways.

The two grappled for a few minutes before Marcus took a cheap shot to Jack's glory spot and he crumpled. Though, not before Marcus sent a hook into his chest and an uppercut into his chin.

"HEY!" I screamed, drawing his attention away from a badly looking Kyia and the others on the ground at his mercy.

He looked up for a second. I took that opportunity to tackle him to the ground. Hitting him with so much force from the run over, he instantly was winded and winded again as he hit the ground with a badly sounding thump.

And add to the insult, I had grabbed him by his waist, lifting him up as much as I could before slamming him into the ground. All while using the momentum from the sprint to him. Just to make sure he stayed down.

The others helped Kyia up. And Jaimie shielded Charli as she backed away slowly from the situation.

He groaned from the impact and pain; he grabbed the back of his head with a hand, and his stomach the other. 

He soon managed to stand, "You......" he drawled, bringing the hand from the back of his head to in front of his eyes to check for blood.

I just stood and waited, my fists up and ready.

He attacked, aiming punches and kicks at my stomach. Some got through my guard but I did my best to exploit his offence. I played defense, only taking the opportunity to strike when I saw an opening, letting him tire himself out first.

Marcus took a step back and caught his breath for a few seconds before lunging forward to throw a hook.

I ducked, leaning to the let and threw uppercut into his chin. It made a nasty sound.

Marcus feinted a punch for my stomach and my jaw exploded with pain when his fist connected with my cheek. But I did not stop.

Marcus tried to grab my neck with both of his hands; I shoved both of my arms between his and used my forearms to push his arms away.

Then I grabbed his wrists, bringing them together  as I knocked him off of his feet.

He tried to stand back up but I crouched low and swept his feet from out underneath him.

Marcus crumpled.

Marcus managed to rise to his feet once more.

Twisting my hips to the right, I waited to he stepped closer before using the extra momentum to spin, propelling my back right foot off the ground.

In a sort of round house kick my right foot came round and connected with his jaw, still in the air. Landing a nasty blow on the jaw that send him straight to the ground.

Marcus was almost out cold form the hit. His mouth was bleeding quite a bit and he sounded like a zombie from the continuous amount of moans that racked his body.

Kyia came and handcuffed him, tight, behind his back.

"Thank you Alex." Kyia patted me on the shoulder, "When did you learn martial arts."

"I don't know any." I shrugged, "I just relied on my hockey reflex's and that last move I could always do."

Principle Howards came running towards us. Once Charli saw her tears started to well up in her eyes. Charli tore herself away from Jaimie and sprinted to Howards who was now on her knees.

"I think you should go with them." Kyia whispered, standing next to me.

We had walked over to them as Howards would be in a fit of rage if she did not find out who did this immediately.

"But......Does she- I don't want to intrude on Charli's business."

"Alex. I don't think Charli will want to go anywhere without you!" Kyia chuckled.

"Alex is coming with us!" Charli cried, through her strangled sobs, as if to back up Kyia's point.

"Okay. Fine." I muttered.

Howards just chuckled, "Whatever you say Charli."

I waited until Howards stood, holding Charli in her arms bridle style and stalked off to her office.

We ascended the spiraling matt black staircase to Howards office. I had to pause in my steps to give Howards space while carrying Charli up the stairs.

Howards set down Charli once we were inside her office and Charli escaped into Howards private living space.

"She'll be a little while." Howards muttered, already taking a seat back in her chair.

I sat across from her. Behind her desk, Howards twirled in her chair, left to right.

"So. Tell me what happened. Before I got there of course."

"We were all hanging up the time frame pictures and the giant artwork ones. Jack and Marcus arrived. They offered to help so we let them but under Charli's direct orders. I left on my own to get another giant painting while the others went to grab extra fencing gates to extend the blockade on the area. They were around the otherwise of the building; I was only across from Kyia's hiding spot."

"Continue." Howards drawled, swiveling in her chair already.

"Well, I though Marcus had tagged onto Jaimie's group with the extra barricade pieces and I guessed that they either thought he had followed them or me. No one knew he hadn't followed. When we heard the commotion and saw him trying to reach Charli through Kyia we all jumped in. Trying to pull him away from Kyia and keep him far away from Charli."

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