New Beginning's Part Two

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I had only just met my roommates and they were already letting me call some of the shots; they were so nice compared to the snobby brats I'd thought I would have to put up with.

"Thanks guys, but I've been visiting that town since I was like two years old. My Auntie is quite known around the town, but I wouldn't mind touring the campus before maybe heading into the city for a bit." I replied.

"Whoa! No way. I thought I recognised you; you are the niece of the family friend of the Dwyer's! Oh my God, you must of had plenty of tips from them about hockey. But enough of my fangirling, hah. Maybe we could get lunch in town and head to the beach? After all the school does have its own private beach!" Charli shouted.

"Also, shhhh! I never told you this but the beach maybe be blocked of by rocks and easier entrances by fences but their is a small tricky way out between a gap in the rocks near a fence. The only catch is you have to be careful of the tide otherwise you're climbing rocks and risking being caught." Charli whispered.

I grabbed my sunglasses, phone and wallet before we all dashed outside of the house and met Kyle back in his Audi.

"Long time no see?" He joked "This time I see you've managed to make friends."

"Uhh, Kyle we're roommates. But we can be friends if we want?" Jaimie told him.

All three of laughed and agreed.

Kyle took us into the city and dropped us off at the shopping centre. Before long we were walking around with some bags full of supplies. Soon we took the bus back to town just outside school and relaxed on the sand dunes near the natural pile of rocks separating the schools beach and the public's.We laughed at jokes and shared stories while defending our fish and chips from pesky seagulls. One even cane so close to landing on Jaimie that she freaked out and started running around as it chased after her hot chips in her hand.

"JAIMIE! Just throw the chips! We have more!" Charlie shouted through her grawfs of uncomfortable laughter.

I was having a hard time breathing as I laughed myself and chocked on a chip.

Once Jaimie had finished her Jack Sparrow run she had perfected and I managed to stop choking on a chip Charli asked, "Hey Alexandra. Ever thought of playing Ice hockey?".

I almost chocked on another chip I had just added to my mouth "Are you insane? You guys seriously have an ice hockey rink here?".

"Yeah, I know it may be the hottest place to have one but that's the big square building you saw. We have two rinks. One for figure skating and general use, the other for ice hockey and other ice sports. The field hockey turf is just right next door. Band practice is Wednesday afternoons in the performing arts block and Tuesday afternoons from 4pm to five is field hockey training than you have 6pm to seven for ice hockey. They allow us the hour break for some of us who play both sports to switch over and rest or start homework so we're not up till 12am completing it. I understand you play for club as well so Thursdays Kyle's gona drive you to training and back." she replied.

"I play both types of hockey but I'm only the captain for outdoor. Meanwhile Charls here, does band and is the captain of the ice hockey team." my eyes widened more at the information still coming.

"We've been needing an extra player that could sub as a goalkeeper and a field player. Charli and I were talking about maybe giving you a try. Saturdays are both game day and while Sundays may be a free day we can still give you some extra training. After all, all the sports complex's are open to allow any students use if they want to do something that isn't leaving the campus but still outside of their dorms on Sunday's. " Jamie added.

"How good are you at skating?" Charli asked.

"Okay. I wouldn't say good, but I'm not that bad enough to the point I need to hold onto the side." I replied.

"Let's see how you go at training on Tuesday then." Charli mused.

We sat for a couple more hours until the sun started to dip in the sky, causing an orange haze to be cast out across the horizon. Creating a beautiful site in the cloudless sky. I pulled out my phone and took a picture.

It looked like it was late, too late for us to be out so I checked the time and asked if we should head back.

They nodded and with the setting sun we stood up and brushed ourselves off trying to leave as much sand behind as we could, even now the seagulls were still following us like they were attached by string.

Charli pulled out a necklace from inside her shirt and unclasped so she could use the key attached to it.

"This is my key to our dorm. Each student gets one but since you only arrived here a couple hours ago, and most students like to head out straight away with other roommates to get supplies they wait till dinner to give you a key." she unlocked the door, and we walked inside.

After a huge hustle of moving bags into my room and my goalkeeper gear into the garage with all the other sports equipment we relaxed on the lounge watching the six o'clock news and other shows that were on.

"About dinner, what do we do?" I asked, not sure if not were had dinner.

"During the weekends or if you decide to stay in your dorm and you have enough food to cook dinner then your aloud to eat at home. But they'd prefer you to eat in the cafeteria for breakfast, lunch and on the first day of the classes they want you to be present for breakfast and dinner as of notices." Charli once again explained.

After making some steak and egg burgers for dinner we watched a movie before heading to bed. Charli had explained even on the weekends of school terms there was a curfew; high school students had to be in bed by 10pm whereas Tafe or University students were expected to be in bed by 11pm, although if you had assignments due later or exams on the next day you were fine unless you didn't stay up too late into the morning. But during the holidays or at the start of school students didn't have a curfew.

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