Targeted Part One

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Alexandras' POV:

"Kyia? Do you have a lead on who is trying to sabotage the centenary?" I asked once we had been here around the corner.

"No, but I do want you, preferably all of you, to not leave Charli's side over the next two days as she sets up anything or goes anywhere." Kyia revealed.

"Oh! Come on! Bodyguarded by my best friends! Really Kyia!" Charli grumbled; she did not sound amused.

What was going on?

"Kyia, maybe it is best that we don't have her friends following her around 24/ -" Howards was cut off by a harsh sounding Kyia.

"Demitry! I don't care. I am the police officer here. Do you want your Neic- OW!" Kyia hissed after Charli and both Howards kicker her in the shin.

"Frick!" She cursed.

"What the hhheecckk...." I laughed nervously underneath my breath.

"Don't worry about it." Charli whispered in my ear, leaning in.

"Basically, we think they might make a move on Charli while you are setting things up and are most likely alone." Howards stated.

"How bad are we talking?" I asked.

"Bad enough that they might sabotage Charli when she is working; like something she'd use to set up." Kyia explained.

Principal Howards grimaced.

"So? They could strand me on a roof by taking the ladder?" Charli summarised.

Howards winced, "More like taking the ladder away as you were climbing down; leaving you dangling over the edge. Or seriously hurt you."

Kyia seemed to think.

"I'll stay here. Demi, you leave and go somewhere or your office. You guys going back to doing what you were before we came and subtly drop hints that I have disappeared; we don't know if they are spying on you. IF anyone is acting suspicious or weird don't call me out as they will most likely run so -ideally- I'd want one of you's to come and get me but if you can't I want either Charli to come to me and or one of you to escort her." Kyia explained.

"They really are trying to do some serious shit with this event. Like, why do they have such beef with it?" I deduced, mumbling.

We followed Howards out from behind the corner and joined the rest in an impromptu explanation. Jaimie was looking around like a guilty kid who had no idea if they had been caught by a teacher but wanted to know. If the teachers did see; they weren't doing anything.

"Stop looking around like you know their looking, pretend to be looking around just in general. Glancing elsewhere until you happened to lock eyes with one." I gave her a tip, "Act natural. And a trick to acting natural is to not even try; just do what you would normally be doing.

About half an hour later another student appeared.

"Hey! Need any help?" he asked.

"That's Jack and.......- Marcus. Their best friends since Kindy and have been students here since Grade seven, like me. Jack's a talented drawer and loves making drawings to go with stories in art class, he's also into that movie magic and animation from drawings and stories, he's chill; and then theirs Marcus. He is a jerk. And unfortunately, an utter arsehole. He thinks he's better than everyone and no one, no one, can beat him. And everyone loves him 'apparently'." Charli explained who the two guys were, who were approaching.

"You mean arrogant?" I added.

"And egotistical." She sighed.

"He sounds like a pompous bitch, Marcus." I said.

"Sure. Just don't touch anything without Charlis' permission. All we have to do is hang up some paintings. We've done everything else so this should be relatively quick." Jaimie announced louder than our whispered conversation in a normal toned voice.

Jack went straight to helping Eli lift a smaller painting that Jaimie was guiding them to its hook. Charli was doing her own little thing, checking to make sure everything was set up; we were doing our jobs correctly.

"Hey, I heard you're the new Ice Hockey substitute." Marcus started.

"Yea. Even though I've never played the sport I am actually quiet good- according to Jaimie and Charli. I still play field hockey after I joined this school." I said.

Marcus and I were hanging up pictured of the school, them and now, a hundred years apart like a timeline on a sting that was almost attached to the wall it was secured so tight.

"Hmm. Maybe I might have to come and watch you play one day. " he mused.

Seriously? You train right next to us!

"Have you been to any comps?" He pressed.

"Yea, a few. Some in Mackay- like four- for under12's school stuff. But mainly state championships; as in the state we are in- not actual state championships as in national. I wish; but after four years I think my luck is fading."

He chuckled.

"Someone's accomplished some feats."

I couldn't see what Charli was talking about so far, but my guard was still up.

"But hey, I bet you can't beat me."

"Is that a challenge?  Your a forward and I'm the goalie. How would that work?" I pointed out.


"I tell you what. Me and Jack were gona go see this movie but I don't know if he can come. Do you want to go instead? Maybe we could go do something else afterwards." he asked out of nowhere.

Okay..... No thank you perv.

"No. Thanks though, anyways. Principal Howards wants me for some stuff to do with the Ancient History kids coming for an excursion.

"Ancient History?" He questioned.

"Yeah, did it back in high school for two years before continuing my own research online and keeping up to date with the finds." I clarified.

The time frame banner was now complete. Jack was helping Eli and Jaimie cart new stuff of the music equipment from the van that they brought it over in. I had gone around the corner opposite to Kyia to grab an extra barrier part to link the others to so it would widen the space.

I heard a commotion and immediately my morpher pinged.

Sound of the commotion came through the morpher on my wrist that had transformed into my morpher. Apparently it was a communicator as well now.

I took a peek around the corner.

There was Charli, behind Kyia as Marcus made a grab for her.

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