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Jaimies' POV:

It had been a month since we had found a clearing in the forest below Lysdren mountain, close to school. Charli wasn't treating this training anything different to hockey fitness training. Which was killing some people; I thought I had an okay to poor level of fitness even though I played sport but according to what Charli was like afterwards I may have to rethink that....

"Geez! How do you not run out of breath or overheat!" Elijah wheezed.

"I thought I was okay with fitness but after seeing Jaimie and Char I am rethinking that. I'm used to the heat because playing in goalie gear which is hot and sweaty enough. But at 35°- 40° degree heat, you want every bit of wind and fresh air you can get- except for a lot more excessive sweating. I'm used to it. As for breathing, I don't know at all. I guess that's just due to the conditions when in the goalkeeping gear and the running." Alex huffed out.

"But neither of us are as fit as them though!" Ember snarked on an empty breath.

She was laying in the brush like a starfish while her chest heaved up and down.

Charli had just put us through the ringer; capture the flag but with balloons and swords and a full on five way sword battle in the last four hours.

"I am going to murder you." I huffed as we forced our worn and sweat covered bodies out of the forest and back to our house.

The Centenary was in a week and decorations were going up today. Charli was in charge of like literally everything, from positioning decorations to planning out the art gallery walk through.

"Principle Howards definitely has a heap of an amount of trust in you." I said as Alex grabbed a box full of art done by the high schoolers from beside me and plopped it onto a table for Ember to sort out.

Charli mumbled something then said, "Yeah, I asked to do it but also I have been here since Grade seven."

Charli grabbed the banner and strung it up, using the rope threaded through it to hooks coming out of the banner and tied a knot before jumping down from the third rung on the ladder she used.

"Hey, Charli! I called across the shed area which was classed as the main or biggest area to display things.

"Howdy's comin'."

Charli gave me a glaring look then glanced over to the canteen to see Principle Howards and Kyia coming this way at an alarmingly fast pace. She bolted around the corner of the high school hall and started to smooth her hair and fix her clothes.

"Jaimie! Get Eli down and rid off those vines! I don't want Kyia or Howards seeing him either up there or your powers! But mainly you're powers!" Alex hissed loudly, her voice was the sternest and most serious I had heard it.

But it was low enough that the too close Kyia and Howards couldn't hear it.

"And Charli, Stop fussing! Your makin' yourself looking like you bossed us around and did nothin'."

I helped Elijah down from the second story height and rid the vines just in time, before Howdy and Kyia came close enough to see clearly.

"Why don't you shut it!" Charli snapped rather harshly at Alex in a hushed whisper.

"Okay boss!" Alex joked out loud in a mocking voice.

That earned a slap on the arm from Charli.

But her mood improvised.

Kyia was eyeing scepticaly where Eli had been up on my vines then her honey eyes turned to glare at me. Then she squinted at Alex.

What was with her being so adamant with Alex and Charli?

"Alex, Charli. Can you join me for a second. Please?".

We all shared a look. The 'Does she know' look.

Before Charli and Alex stopped what they were doing and followed Howdy and Kyia over to a pillar. I have no idea why teachers do that but I guess it's so they can have something to lean on or to hide from students- many kids have been caught by teachers they didn't see skipping- and just to make sure people weren't listening in.

Me, Eli and Ember just continued to hang up the other artworks and display the historic photos and items of the school on tables behind a barricade.

My friends and Howdy came back around the corner but Kyia didn't come.

My eyes landed on icy pale blue ones and they flickered to the corner where Kyia was still remaining. A slight rigid move of Alexs' head signaled No.

We didn't have the air key, so we couldn't listen in to the conversation Alex and Charli had with the Principal and the cop; and we still had a cold trail on who had it. Or even if it existed it all.

But that didn't matter right now; the only thing that mattered was why was Kyia staying behind the wall.

"Guys come here for a sec." Charli called an impromptu meeting.

"What did you guys do while we talked to Howards?" she asked.

"Just kept on with hangin' up the paintings." Ember answered.

"And Eli and I carefully placed the historic items and photos on the table for Howdy to sort out." I added.

Alex, standing with her back to Kyia and side on to Howdy, shuffled a bit more into the center of the makeshift circle, "Kyia is trying to catch our uninvited guest; look out for someone getting too close or acting suspicious."

"Okay, great. Jaimie do you mind helping Em with the big painting of by the Uni students while Charli helps Eli with carting the music equipment out here?" she added louder, this time.

"Sure, no problem." I laughed, hanging a painting almost as big as me with a black metal frame as the canvas was going to cut into my hands or give me extra muscles.

"Hey guys? Need any help a voice shouted.

I recognised them from my art and sports classes. Jack was a tall guy with salt and pepper blonde and black hair a thick haired faded cut. He had a bit more hair on top than a normal fade cut and it was curly. It suited him. Especially his grey eyes.

His mate on the other hand...... I think I will let Charli explain to the other's.

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