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We had descended the staircase and met up with three police officers and a meteorologist from his job at the weather station down south- he had travelled all night since he knew that the space rock would enter orbit.

"Hi! Nice to meet you all, I am Principal Howards. This is Alexandra Williams and she has studied archaeology at high school for two years. She's the best expert we could have on such short notices." Howdy introduced us.

"More like amateur archaeologist." I scoffed laughably.

Howdy and the other four saw my humour and laughed. We headed to the mountain after another round of introducing ourselves. Two of the police officers were in charge of this region and another was from the investigations unit to document and take photos of the site.

I was glad I could pace myself on this hike. Instead of rushing to the top to beat our time limit we stuck at a leisurely pace but we kept up the speed; not wanting to lose time and be caught in the midday sun. At last, we reached the picnic table by 10:30am and I sunk onto one of the wooden planks.

"Alrighty! That was extremely exhausting. Man, I don't know how you kids do it Alex!" Howdy sighed easing into a seat.

"Technically, I haven't been up here yet." I straight up lied through my teeth.

"Okay. We can dump the non-essential gear here, like backpacks and equipment cases. Then we can go find this crater!" Xavier, one of the police in charge of this area said on an exhausted breath.

Seems like the mountain got him too. I noticed now that I was the only one taking in shallow, painting breaths; I had been huffing as I climbed the last part but I quickly regained my breath back- taking in shallow pants. I once again admired my new addition to my right wrist. Did the space rock give us some kind of powers?

"I don't know about you guys, but it's almost midday and that sun's only going to get hotter. So, let's go find this crater." Tyler, the other cop from down south, swung her legs out from underneath the table and stretched as she talked.

I forgot they did not know where the space rock was located.

We fanned out within a couple meters of each other; I was staying close to Howdy though- her orders, not mine. It took almost most of my strength to not give up the charade and wander to the crater.

"What are you expecting? Alex?" Howdy looked like she was up for small talk.

"I don't know. Maybe something tiny- but not smaller than a house. Nothing smaller than that could have made that big of a fireball on entry!"

"Perhaps........ How's ice hockey going?"

Howdy lifted a branch for me to duck under; I smiled my thanks at her.

"Eh. Good, good enough that Charli's thinking to put me into a game. I don't think I'm that good enough to be goalie yet though."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. Jass has been here years longer than you. And from what I've heard, your quite exceptional- not everyone gains Aldric's attention. Especially the way you did. No one has caught Emberthorn's attention enough to get him to offer you a chance to teach the boys.''

"Oh really?"

"Yes. How's Charli holding up? I know, it's mostly none of my business, but she does put in a lot of work to be the top of every class."

"Does she? She has been working really hard, especially on her homework and I have seen her spending extra hours at the rink and field besides teaching me."

"She chose to teach you even though she has too much on. Huh? And she also has the Centenary to plan for; Char why do you keep adding to your schedule? Can you send her to my office after her last class please?"

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