Back on track

17 4 0

Alexandra POV:

The wind blew and my smock ruffled on my back. Sweat ran down my spine and soaked my shirt; some drops stopped due to my chest plates Y frame. The field lights light up the turf whilst the sky turned from an orange pure sunset to a dark midnight blue, filled with stars. Jaimie had ordered for a late-night training after ice hockey training had finished since our first game was coming up, against Shoalwater high. They were the best of the best; even our elite team couldn't beat them- they've held the champion tittle for the least ten years.

"Enjoying the breeze, Alex?" Jaimie appeared next to me, leaning on the goal post.

"Watch out Jaimie! Your gona get hit!" I shouted as another player let lose a tomahawk; reversing the grip on their stick and raised it above her head around in a circle to send the ball flying up.

I used my left gloved hand to swat it away from Jaimie's post side.

"See! You could've been hit!"

"Sorry Jaim's!" called Jassmine, who was rejoining the line up.

"Meh!" Jaimie shrugged, although somewhat hiding further back on the side of the net.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

"Yeah. The same before I created that shield dome- if not better. But I had a thought...." she trailed off as another one of our strikers came into the circle to complete the drill, letting me focus and keeping our convo secret.

I decided to run out and shut down Chloe's angle because she was taking to long to pick an angle to shoot from and stuck doing skill work; dragging the ball back and forth trying to confuse me, she used on of those drags to step left and dragged the ball past my right.

I dove, extending the length of my stick and she put the ball right into it; causing her to pull back and shoot again- this time raising it. I kneeled on my right leg pad and used my blocker glove on my left hand to direct it away with a loud thump.

"Nice work Alex!" Jaimie cheered from the side of my goal, and as I returned, she picked up her forgotten sentence, "I was thinking, you know how we got these bracelets? What if the person has or hasn't morphed, but either way the bracelet would still appear. After all I don't think space rock would choose anyone randomly."

"Makes you wonder why we were chosen then, hey?"

"Focus on ya stick saves, Alex. You could have stopped that last one with it on the second shot."

"Uh no, Jaimie! My left glove is bigger and lighter. I can move it faster!"

"I know, I know. But I want you to work on getting that stick hand faster. The Shoalwater forwards are gona shoot for that side. Always!" she revealed.

"Hmm. Is that so? I could use that information, thank you Jaimie!" I said, smiling devilishly through my helmets cage.

Jaimie reared back in surprise than regained her composure, "I meant to give you that. The info, I mean!"

"Sure, sure. Jaime."

Once the sky had turned a pitch black and the clocks reached eight pm everyone had packed up and headed home.

Jaimie had asked me to stay back and help pack up as we were dropping our gear home before heading to the hall for dinner.

The high school students had their dinners from 8pm to 9m at the latest. Whereas the Tafe and University students could eat from 9:30pm to 10:50pm. That was for the kids who had late night classes; though some kids did prefer to eat that late after knocking of some schoolwork.

I sat down at our group table. It looks like our group had unconsciously chosen this table to sit at every time; Jaimie started to explain her theory why I headed to get food on my plate and offered to take Jaimie's for her so she could continue uninterrupted. Jaimie thanked me as I sat the plate down next to her and sat down, I was sitting on the wall side this time which meant I had the cushioned bench seat.

"That's a valid idea Jaimie. But how would we know they haven't stolen it, or it is them?" Eli brought up.

"I guess we just watch for people that disappear and or behave weirdly like we do when another monster show's up." Charli whispered, leaning in.

"Like you, Elijah." Ember joked.

I guess I have to look out for two people now.

"What makes you say that?" Em asked.

"What?" Charli replied confused.

"If another one does show up then what do we do? We won't know unless we see it on the media or encounter it!" I added, keeping my voice down low.

"Well, were going to need some place other than our house to hang out if we have some things or to train......" Jaimie trailed off.

"Well, Charli know any places?"
Charli lowered her spoon and swallowed the reamianing jelly in her mouth, "No. But I might know how to find one."

"No one touch meh jelly, No one." leaving her spoon in her jelly bowl Charli abruptly got up and made her way to the...........Principle's table.

"Where is she going?" Eli asked

"Is she insane?" Jaimie asked incredously.

Next, she walked out of the hall, but not before sending a wink our way. A few minutes later she came back with something in her hands. She kept it hidden from student's observing eyes but as she reached our table;once she unravelled it, it was a map of the whole entire academy- high school and all.

"No freakin' Way!" We all said in almost said in complete unison.

"How did you get that from Howdy's office?" Jaimie hissed quietly.

"Easy. I told her that I needed it to show some of the art students where we are going to put the paintings." Charli explained than continued, "Now, there's quite a huge clearing in the woods after the art building. All sorts of classes use it for all sorts of reasons; but no one will be out there on a Sunday or Saturday, I can assure you."

"Though that leaves out a place where we can hide things or chill out if needed." Eli pointed out.

"Mhhm it does." Charli mused.

"There was an abandoned dorm house, cottage like house that our...." I leaned in close so no one would overhear, and the group could hear me, "that mine and Jaimie's morpher's tried to lead us to before we came to dinner."

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