Teaching Ice Hockey Men Moves

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Alexandra POV:

My alarm sounded and I groaned; I reached out of my bundle of blankets and slienced it. It had been a week since the space rock and monster incident and the start of school. Me and Elijah had a couple of hours before our homework was due; in typical me fashion I could never think of anything to write about other than how stupid and dumb I was. Miss Walters had assigned us to create one page essay on what came to our mind when we used our own imagination to see what we our writing style was like and they were due within an hour. Charli; Jaimie and Ember on the other hand were busy painting art and decorating the centenary showcase area.

“So, since we all are free at lunch who says we go check out that house?” I asked as I pulled my denim jacket over my Queen ‘75 tour black tee and making sure that the marvel patch did not fall off- it had a habit of looking like it was hanging on for dear life 24/7 and falling off when you least expect it- and slipping my phone into the right pocket.

“Sure. I don’t know how I am going to get out of talking to Howdy about where she wants the big painting of the school this year and the year it opened!” Charli laughed.

We passed the ovals to see the first high school PE classes of the day out in the sun and running around on a rugby league field marked into the short cut grass. Jaimie let loose a chuckle when a kid kicked a ball and hit his teammate on the head instead of him catching it.

They were playing capture the flag, so the ball went back to its safe zone and both players stayed still like in the game stuck in the mud- waiting for a teammate to cross the line to free them without being tagged.

We all laughed when their hero ate shit- literally.

The high school kid bolted over the halfway line and dogged two defenders before skidding to a halt and tagging his first buddy before sprinting over to his second buddy- only to slip on the poorly grown clumpy, dirt grass patch as he skidded to a halt and landed on his arse.

Senseing eyes on us we hurried away from gawking through the high school fence and towards our house. We had rushed to breakfast and come back to get our stuff as it was easier to not forget or lug anything around.

“Seriously though. That kids going to feel it soon.” I commented, causing a bunch of hyena cackles.

“OHHHH! I remember when we were playing a version of dodgeball  called 'Poision Ball' and you fell flat on your back! That shit was golden. And it wasn’t grass to!” Em commented through her laughter; causing more.

“First: I landed on my tailbone a microsecond before. And Second: It was that special lino floor stuff that's a multi-purpose court marked into the floor that is expensive and very slippery but is not actually lino.” I grumbled loudly.

“Okay. If I laugh anymore, I am going to piss my pants. Let's get the heck out of here!” Charli said.

A few other University kids gave her glances but paid her no mind.

I let Eli slip into our little row at the back first, than sat down. The lights were won a low setting, bright enough to the point you could see but they wouldn’t blind you or obstruct your view of the stage below- it wasn’t really a stage but just a raised platform with a whiteboard and a podium with a desk near the left door on the original level of the classroom. Miss Walters walked in and sat patiently on the side of her desk as she waited for the class to fill to its capacity and then spoke.

“As you know, I gave you a task to write a page full of your own imagination. I want names on them and on my desk before we begin, please!” she patted the spot on her desk beside her, indicating where she wanted the papers put.

One by one, kids got out of their seat and made their way to her desk, paper in hand. I made my way down with Eli in front of me and placed it on the growing stack. Noticing my name was not on the top, I quickly took out a pen from my jacket pocket and scribbled my name- when I put it back on the pile I glanced at miss and noticed she was smiling.

“I didn’t know I had a left-handed person in my class. Your handwriting would have fooled me, totally, but I'm glad you’re here- not many left-handed people do this class or classes like it because they're not taught properly how to write.”

I thanked her and returned to my seat. The rest of the class lagged on about different ways to work around a writer's block or how to avoid one. After that class was finished, I rushed to the rink to show the boys team my move that Aldric wanted me to show them. I laced up my skates, put on some pads for protection and borrowed a stick before getting used to the feeling of being on skates and playing ice hockey again. A few minutes later Emberthorn called me over.

“As you have noticed, we have Alex with us today; she decided to try and help us fill in a spot on the girls' team. But today, she is going to teach you something I saw her do at training a while ago.” He addressed the sweaty guys on the ice.

“Like she could beat us; she's a field hockey player!” a boy, who I noticed was also on the men's field hockey team laughed.

I scowled at Marcus. He could be so full of himself at times- he would often show off his meager skills when he trained next to us at training.

“Oh no! She'll destroy you!” Aldric chuckled darkly.

Some boys dared to glance between us and couldn't help but smirk like Lucifer.

The boys started the play and I made sure to target Marcus; with one spin and a shot I was around him and his goalkeeper. He couldn’t help but look around like a psycho after landing arse first on the ice.

I did it to him so many times he almost broke his twig; but as the other kids were catching on, he just got madder and more blinded by rage. Aldric was enjoying this just as much as me. After a fun session of teasing boys, I left the rink  in high spirits, only for my good spirits to be interrupted by a huge ground shaking thud.

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