The Chase And Discovery

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Elijah’s POV:

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. You'd think a tall arse person would be fast? Well sorry to disappoint you but I was slower than the average runner. Alex may play the only position that doesn’t do any running, but she still was gaining on me- and fast.

It was like an antelope trying to outrun a cheetah. No matter which way I turned or tried to lose her by running around,over, and through things, she always appeared back behind me. At last, my stamina betrayed me, and I slowed down to a jog only to be tackled to the ground by Alex.

“I'm sorry!” I panted on a lost breath.

“Are you?”

“YES! I was being stupid. I didn’t realise the police we going to be investigating!” my lungs were still gasping for air.

“Are you serious? Did you not hear Howards say they were. Did you not hear me say Howdy wants me to go with her and the police to the crash site'?"

“I did! I was just being an idiot takin' an advantage of an opportunity!” I heaved.

Alex helped me up off the grass oval and we walked back to our airconditioned house whilst dripping in sweat.

I made the mistake of lowering my head, trying to get my house key out of my pockets when a giant blob of sweat ran down my forehead and dropped right into my eye. Cursing I wiped my stinging eye clean and relished in the cool air escaping through the open front door cutesy of Alex.

“Hey Jaimie.” she greeted the emerald eyed girl sitting on our lounge watching Netflix, “Huh, Charli your back. What did Howdy want to talk about?”

“Nothing!” Carli retaliated rather defensively.

“Wana watch a movie? Anyone?” I asked, “Oh come on, it’s hot enough out there to cook an egg on your car!”

Laughter filled the room.

“Can I choose?” Charli suddenly asked.

“Sure. As long as it's not horror. Otherwise, bye!”

Charli laughed and reached for the Apple TV remote to search through all the movies and apps. Popcorn and snacks were brought out and decorated on a platter on the coffee table in the middle of the lounge room. The snacks and popcorn didn't last long so I passed around some lollies only to be given back the packet with one left.

“Hey! That’s not fair!”

A bunch of shhhh-ing noises could be heard and some threw cushions at me.

Chucking away the last pillow I saw Charli’s eyes glued to the screen as she watched ‘Ride Like A Girl’ for the first time.

She even cried when Michelle Payne fell off the horse and fractured her skull; only to cheer her on when she got back on a horse.

“Go! Go! GO! GO! GO! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” the whole group was screaming at the tv if this event was live; waiting for Michelle to break through an opening in the Melbourne Cup.

“Whatchu think Charli?” Alex asked- the movie had ended

“As you can tell, I cried. It was amazing but anything with you guys makes it better than amazing. Come on, we should all go for a swim. After all the aircon bill's gonna be huge and who doesn't wanna swim in the ocean?” Charli beamed.

“Last one to Riptide Beach has to rinse off the boggy boards!” Alexandra shouted.

“OHHOOHOHH! Is that how you want to play?” Jaimie smirked.

“Bye! I'm already getting ready you losers” my cousin teased, running off.

“OH! It's on!” Charli said with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

It came down to a sprint off towards the water between Charli, Jaimie and Alex. I never laughed so hard until Jaimie tripped and fell like a rag doll; Charli dove for the sea while Alexandra leant forward as she sprinted. Charli’s hands touched the water first and then Alex fell into the water face first.

“I don’t think I've laughed this hard ever!” Charli cried “Man your fast, Alex.”

“I can’t keep wondering but the space rock gave us powers. I mean, Jaimie, you said earth, so I wonder if you have any earth powers?” I pondered out loud.

“Well....we can give it a try.” Jaimie said as she stood up “Earth Unleashed!”

“Dude! Anyone could be looking! You can’t just transform anywhere!” Alexandra cried, standing up and slapped Jaimie on the back of the head.

“No one’s around, Alex. What do you want me to do?” she asked, the wind blowing her hair into her face.

“I don’t know!”

“Why don’t you try something with your morpher? Or key.” Alex suggested.
Jaimie pulled her key off her belt and placed it in her morpher.

“So do I just say Earth?”

A flash of green light exploded from her morpher and a forcefield doom of green appeared around us.

“Wowwww!” Ember whispered.

“It takes a long of energy to hold! I can feel it sapping out of me.” Jamie gritted through her teeth.

“Let it drop! We don’t want to ha we an unconscious Jaimie.” Alexandra demanded.

“Okay.” She whinced and let the shield drop.

Jaimie unmorphed and dropped to her knees in the sand; sweat drenching her hear and polling on her brow.

“Let's go cool off in the water.” Alex said helping her stand.

I rushed over and placed her right arm over my shoulders, taking some of the weight as we walked to the water.

“That was amazing! I wonder what my water powers are going to be- you know- Aqua equal's water!”

“Oh, shut it Eli! Let Jam cool down in the water. Actually…...I’m more scared of what Galaxy means.” Alex scolded me.

“So far we have Earth; Water; Fire, Gravity and…...-Galaxy?”

“Wait? What about air? ELI! Someone else must be air!” Alexandra shouted.

“What do you mean by air?” Jaimie inquired.

“Someone else must have the air key. There's no way all the elements would be here without air. Four key elements and we only have three. Don’t you think it’s a coincidence?” Jaimie summed up once we sat down next to Charli.

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