Chapter 8

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This is so random, but I just finished rewatching Mockingjay Part 1 because I'm literally the BIGGEST Hunger Games fan :)

And so now it's the middle of the night, and I just spent the past half hour editing this chapter :D 

Make sure to vote if you like it!

Hope's pov

With a single flick of his wrist, my dad snaps Lizzie's neck in two. Her lifeless body crumples onto the ground. 

I feel my hands shooting up towards my mouth. The pounding in my heart intensifies as my brain slowly begins to accept what has just happened.

One of my best friends has been murdered. By my own father.

"Lizzie!" Josie screams, rushing forward as the vampire holding her releases her.

I run towards Lizzie as well, leaping over the couch in the middle of the room with practiced grace. I land beside Josie, and quickly press my two fingers towards Lizzie's neck in an attempt to check for a pulse, even though I already know I won't find anything.

"Oh, god..." Josie says, as she grabs Lizzie's hand and sobs into it. 

"It's okay," I whisper, more to myself than to Josie, "Everything is going to be okay."

The vampires begin to clear out, leaving only me, the twins, and my dad alone in the room.

"She never wanted this," Josie says, her body visibly beginning to shake, "She never wanted to become a- a-" 

"I know," I say, as I pull Josie into a hug. "But she'll be fine. She'll learn to adjust-"

"Learn to adjust?" Josie shouts, as she wrenches herself away from me. 

"She's dead! And your-" Josie hesitates. "And- and he's the one who did it," she cries, pointing to my dad.

Josie managed to stop herself in time, but the message is clear. My dad is the one who did this... And since Josie can't direct her anger at Klaus Mikaelson, the invincible Original Vampire, she's directing it at me, instead. His daughter.

It takes a while for that to sink in. I'm the daughter of a killer.

I've known it all my life, of course... Ever since I was little, people around me had always whispered about it behind my back. 

How Klaus Mikaelson was the greatest evil to have ever lived...

During my first few months at the Salvatore School, all my teachers had failed in trying to hide the fact that they were scared of me- or rather, my family name. And even now, the name 'Mikaelson' brings fear to most people in the supernatural world.

Only I never thought I could be included in that group of people. I never thought it was possible to be afraid... 

But I am. 

I'm afraid of Klaus Mikaelson, and all the things it means to be his one and only heir. 

I'm afraid of his enemies, his victims... And I'm afraid that I might just turn into this person one day. A person who will snap the neck of an innocent girl, just for their own needs.

Lizzie wakes up with a huge gasp. I scramble over to her, as does Josie. For a moment, Lizzie simply stares into space with wild, confused eyes. And then she blinks, and it's as if she's been brought back to our reality.

"I'm hungry," are the first words out of her mouth.

Josie stares at her sister, lost for words. Meanwhile, my dad comes up from behind us and hands Lizzie a glass of blood- the similar glass he offered me a little over an hour ago.

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