Chapter 60

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Lizzie's Pov 

On cue, the elevator's doors open up to reveal the Mikaelson household's enormous library. My mom's jaw drops, and even though I've been here before, I stare in shock, too. This place really is magnificent.

"Over here," Hope calls to us from in front of a locked door in the library. At her finger's touch, the door swings open. We enter the room, which is filled with hundreds of leather bound grimoires.

"A millennia's worth of spellbooks," Hope announces. "Have your pick."

I flip through about half a dozen books, getting more and more entranced by the number of ancient spells with each page that I turn. All three of us continue to pick out books and read them, trying to find something that can help us use the bonding spell between me and Real Hope to divide Hope's two minds into two separate bodies.

"I think I've got something," Hope and I say at the same time. The two of us stare at each other, then rush towards one another to compare what we've found.

"Isn't that..." my mom frowns at the picture on the book that I've put forth.

"A trident," I nod eagerly. "An artifact used to transfer consciouses between two people, thus inhabiting each other's bodies."

"It's a good idea, but we only have one body," my mom says, pointing at Hope.

"Which is where this comes in," Hope taps the page she found.

"What language is that?" I frown.

"Gaelic," Hope replies.

"You know how to speak Gaelic?" I say in disbelief.

Hope nods. "And French. And Ancient Celtic. And Norwegian. I know a bit of Latin, too. Just the basic magical languages," she says. "You'd be surprised how much you can learn when you've got absolutely nothing better to do," she says at the stunned expression on my face.

"Anyways, look," Hope points to a long passage on the page. "Cloning magic."

"That isn't a thing," I say, before I can stop myself. And then I scowl when Hope stares at me like she wants to tell me how much of an idiot I am.

"The first research on cloning magic started way back in Ancient Greek times," Hope trails her finger along the page. "People who worshipped the goddess Hecate devoted their entire lives to such matters. But it wasn't until the seventeenth century that a particular coven actually succeeded in this, by mixing replication, representative, and connective magic together."

Hope pauses, then gives a wryly smile. "The catch is, though, this spell could only be cast by a member of that particular coven."

I groan. "That's it, then?" I sigh. "Even if we do manage to get our hands on a trident, without a witch from that specific coven, we won't be able to-"

"The Gemini Coven," Hope cuts over my words.

I stare at her. "Huh?" I say.

"The Gemini Coven was the coven that succeeded in performing the cloning spell. Good for us we've got a Gemini witch with us, hm?" Hope smirks.

"Why wouldn't you lead with that in the first place?" I say angrily.

"So you two think you might be able to somehow merge the trident's magic and this spell together?" my mom asks. "You'll be able to get- uh, 'Real Hope' out of Hope's mind safely?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Hope says.

I roll my eyes at her, then say to my mom, "Yes."

"Great. So... Where are we going to get a trident? Don't only five of them exist in the entire world?" my mom asks.

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