Chapter 35

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Hope's pov

The world comes into focus, and I see that Katherine has been locked up inside a cell.

'The cell,' I realize. The cell that both mine and Katherine's actual bodies are in right now.

"Hello, Katerina," my dad whispers. Katherine gets into a sitting position with a groan.

"Not that it's any of your concern, but the battle has dispersed, thanks to Rebekah. Many of the vampires are dead, but we've herded up the survivors, and compelled them to become our own personal guard. We'll need them to keep my daughter safe, once she is born," he says.

Katherine stares at him warily, undoubtedly wondering what he is planning on doing to her.

But my dad continues to talk in a cheery manner, as if he and Katherine are friends.

"Remember Elijah, and that little fling of yours from last year? Well, turns out you managed to get my brother to fall for you all over again," my dad says.

"Did you know that, during these past few months in which I tried to hunt you down, Elijah was actually protecting you?" he laughs, as if finding it ridiculous that anyone would want to help Katherine.

"That little 'distraction' in Madrid that helped you escape from right underneath my nose? Elijah was the one who sent those people to help you. Same goes for the incident in Paris. It was all him."

"He still cares for you, Katherine. Which is why he has been ignoring me ever since I announced to the world in May last year, that I was going to track you down, once and for all. And now, after hearing the tale about your gruesome death, he has estranged himself from me for good." my dad finishes.

"Gruesome death?" Katherine questions.

My dad nods. "It seems quite a number of supernaturals saw our little fight in New York a couple of hours ago. They're all under the impression that I beat you to death. It's quite amusing, isn't it? That some people out there believe you're really that easy to kill."

"So what now?" Katherine spits out, making an attempt at a meager insult. Instead, her voice comes out as shaky.

"I'm not going to kill you, Katherine," my dad smiles.

At these words, Katherine's already frightened expression grows even deeper.

"Your entire existence doomed me and Elijah from the start. Now, while I could go reconciliate with Elijah by telling him that you're perfectly safe and unharmed... I really don't feel like making a trip halfway across the world," he shrugs.

"Besides, I want to make him feel at least a little sad about your downfall. He deserves that, for not killing you for me when he had the chance. How does ten years sound?" my dad suggests.

"Ten years? For what?" Katherine says. Her eyes dart around the cell as she tries to look for a way out. Her gaze fixates on the loose bars behind my dad.

"Ten years to put you through unending, agonizing torment, of course. After that, perhaps I'll return you to him." he replies.

"Now, once my daughter is born, I'll be too busy raising her," he says, as he stands up and steps towards her. "And honestly, the idea of your screams echoing through these halls day in and day out doesn't sound all that appealing to me anymore. Think of the headaches everyone will get," he laughs.

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