Chapter 7

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So I just finished writing the 100th page of this book today :D

I obviously need to edit everything and stuff, but since the basic storyline has been shaped, I'm planning on continuing to update every single day :) 

There's this really cute Klayley scene planned out a bunch of chapters from now, so keep reading, and make sure to vote <3

Lizzie's pov

At these words, the vampires kick me and Josie in the back of our legs, causing us to lose balance and fall onto our knees. The vampire holding me wrenches back the locks of my hair, forcing me to look up.

"Now, now," Klaus says, "There's no need for violence. I think we've all seen enough of it for one day, don't you?" he says to the vampire, giving a careless glance to all the blood splattered throughout the room. I feel the grip on my hair loosen, but the way the vampire is towering over me prevents me from getting back on my feet. Instead, I'm reduced to having to stare at Hope's dad from a kneeling point of view.

"Two siphon witches and... Whatever it is that you are," Klaus says, as he nods in Hope's direction.

"Why do you need all those witches?" I blurt out before I can stop myself. It's a really unhelpful habit of mine- I can never seem to help myself from speaking what's on my mind, regardless of the situation.

Klaus stares at me, as does everyone else in the room. "Brave, aren't you?" he asks as he walks over to me. "What is your name?"

Before I can say a single word, Hope answers for me. "Elizabeth," she says loudly. "Her name is Elizabeth. And that's Josette," Hope says, as she points to Josie, "And my name is Andrea."

Andrea? As in her middle name?

"Well, Elizabeth," Klaus says, after throwing a curious glance Hope's way, "Those witch prisoners of mine are all I need to ignite a very powerful spell. The witches will join together as one, and perform a locator spell for me. They will use up all the magic they have, and as they give up their lives for my cause, the world's strongest locator spell will be activated, allowing me to find exactly what I've been searching for."

"Which is?" I ask, in an almost sarcastic manner. Klaus seems to find my reaction amusing, as he simply turns away from me with a small smile.

"The last time I was here, in Bulgaria, was precisely one hundred and fifty years ago. I had just finished slaughtering the family of a particular girl who was of interest to me."

"Katerina Petrova," Klaus whispers, drawing up a small gasp from Hope, "You may have heard of her. She is known to the world as the only person to have ever escaped my wrath. She is the sole signification of my weakness. And having those witches perform the locator spell is a mere means to an end. I will not be spending another century chasing after that girl," he snarls.

Katerina Petrova. Why does that name sound so familiar?

I quickly search my memories for the mention of that name...

History class, seventh grade. The only reason I even remember that lesson is because my mom's name had popped up in our textbooks. 'Caroline Forbes,' our book had read. 'The vampire whom Katherine Pierce had deemed the first choice for the sacrificial ritual to undo Klaus Mikaelson's curse.'

Katherine Pierce. 

That must be this 'Katerina Petrova' Hope's dad is rambling on about. 

And that whole thing with Klaus's curse... There had been a super long question about that during our final exams- how some witch lady had placed a spell on Klaus Mikaelson to make his werewolf side dormant. How, in an attempt to break his curse, the famed Original had scratched in little clues onto various artifacts of the world's history. Egyptian scrolls, Aztec relics, and such. The things needed to break his curse had been a vampire, a werewolf, a doppelganger... And a couple other things, too... A witch, maybe? There had also been something about a stone...

I shake my head furiously. This isn't history class- the details of who these people are aren't important. What's important is figuring a way out of this situation.

"But that is now no longer a matter that should be concerning you three," Klaus says in a dark voice. "Perhaps I was too hasty in punishing Trevor, after all. He's delivered to me quite the astounding gift," he murmurs.

"Rose," he calls to one of his vampire servants or soldiers or whatever they are, "Go tell your friend that he is allowed to live another day. Take him and a couple other vampires, and find me three replacement witches for the locator spell... I will be using these three for something else entirely,"

The tall female vampire standing a few feet away from me nods, and hurries away without a word.

"Something else entirely? What exactly are you planning on doing to us?" I blurt out yet again. I mentally tell myself to shut the literal hell up. What's wrong with me?

Klaus, thankfully, chooses to ignore me. Instead, he gestures for Hope to sit down on the couch in front of him. After a glance at the knives being pressed against mine and Josie's throats, Hope complies.

"So..." Klaus begins with the tilt of his head, "A wolf with magic exists. And I know from my time across the seas that heretics exist, as well. So if werewolves with witch powers, and witches with vampire skills are allowed to walk the earth, is it really that far of a stretch to fathom the existence of a vampire with wolf abilities?" he wonders.

Hope's face grows rigid with worry. "That's not possible," she says.

"Are you sure about that, love?" Klaus asks. "Up until a mere two hours ago, the same could have been said for your existence... And yet here we are," he says.

"With a little information and experimentation, I'm sure I'll be able to figure something out," Klaus decides.

"Experimentation?" Hope questions with wild eyes. Klaus nods. "So now that I've got... Whatever you are," he gestures to Hope, "All I need now is a heretic for my research to begin..." he trails off as his eyes find their way over to me and Josie.

"No," Hope says, bursting up from her seat as she realizes what Klaus is about to do. "No- No, you can't!" she yells, as she stands in Klaus's path.

Klaus laughs amusedly. "It's funny that you think you can stop me, sweetheart," he says, as he roughly pushes her aside. Three vampires come up from behind Hope. One of them cuffs her again with the magic dampening chains, and the other two restrain her as she continues to kick and yell with all her might.

"Any volunteers?" Klaus says, as he steps into the spot between me and Josie. Both of us stay still, frozen in fear. Klaus shrugs, then turns to the left, as if to head for Josie. Then he suddenly stops, and takes a look at me.

"You know, you've made quite the first impression on me, love," he says. Then, without warning, he bites into his wrist, and shoves his blood down my throat-

"No!" both Josie and Hope scream, as I splutter and try to cough up the stuff I've just swallowed. No. No, no, no... This was not how my life was supposed to end at all...

Klaus grabs my throat with one hand, and the side of my head with the other. This can't be happening, all of this has got to be some kind of messed up nightmare...

Before I can dwell much more on what's happening, I hear the sound of bones snapping. And then the world goes black. 

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