Chapter 20

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So instead of giving you that 'extra long chapter' I promised you guys, I'm just gonna do a double update today :D

The next chapter's gonna end in another cliff hanger, just because I love cliff hangers :)

Also, I'm stuck in a writer's block. I haven't been able to write anything for 10 whole days😭 (All of my previous updates are stuff I had already written down)

Hopefully, for everyone's sakes, I can find a storyline to work with, because I'm running out of chapters to upload  😃👍


Hope's pov

I wake up in a train compartment next to Lizzie. Josie smiles at me as I push myself up into a sitting position. "Finally, you're awake," Lizzie grumbles, "Now I won't have to carry you anymore."

I frown as I look out the window. The sun has set, and the scenery is just a blur of motions. 

"How long was I out?" I ask. 

"Nearly six hours," Lizzie states unhappily. 

"We got on a bus that took us to the eastern edge of Louisiana," Josie explains, "And now, we're on a train to New Orleans. All we need is for you to tell us exactly where Freya's coffin is, so we can try the time traveling spell again."

I nod. "And nothing crazy happened? No kidnappings this time?" I ask. 

"Nope," Josie says.

"And none of your actions made any lasting impressions on the people of this time?" I say. 

"Well," Lizzie shrugs, "My mom saw me. But only for a few seconds," she quickly adds.

I shake my head. "That's not okay, Lizzie... I'm going to have to do the reverse purge spell again. Erase ourselves from the collective conscience for good," I state. 

Josie's eyes widen. "You can't, Hope! You've already exerted yourself too much already, it's a miracle you're not dead from all the dark magic you've been doing-" 

"I'm a Mikaelson, Josie. My grandmother practically invented dark magic. I think I'll be okay," I laugh, even though I don't quite believe my own words.

"So nothing else?" I ask. 

Lizzie frowns. "Well... My presence did scare off Katherine from delivering a letter to someone," she says. "But I'm sure it was nothing." 

"A letter?" I question.

Josie nods. "Look, whatever it was, if it was something important, I'm sure Katheirne will get it delivered to whomever it was addressed to," she says. "Right now, our main focus should be on getting to Freya's coffin."

I nod. "Her coffin is trapped in a madhouse filled with insane witches. It's a literal asylum in there. A hundred years ago, my dad had some witch curse its doors so that it could never let anyone out once they entered," I say. "Meaning we're not going in there unless we've absolutely perfected the time traveling spell. Where's the grimoire?" I ask.

From her bag, Josie pulls out the grimoire we had been using when we had first tried to trap Malivore in the time continuum- basically, it contains the spell that got us to 1642 in the first place.

"Let's see..." I mumble as I open up the dusty old book, "There must be a way to specify the point in time we want to end up in."

For a half hour, I keep searching. Josie helps me research, while Lizzie takes a much deserved nap. Finally, when I reach the last page, an idea pops into my head.

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