Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

Jasmine felt that a change in relationship status would affect her more than it really did in her daily interactions with Sirius. But, the Black Heir had always been tactile with his affections towards Jasmine, and really, anyone of his close friends was treated similarly. They couldn't openly do anything that could constitute courting, that would get the marriage contracts brought out and then both Sirius and Jasmine wouldn't really have any other options but marry each other.

They hadn't told their friends and even after three weeks, they hadn't noticed. It would be better to keep it as quiet as possible for the time being. As much as Jasmine loved Lily, she would tell Alice and that would end up finding its way to Marlene, and Merlin knew Jasmine didn't need that nightmare of a witch getting anymore gossip fuel.

Instead, they did what they had been doing since they met, harmlessly flirt with each other and indulge in minor cuddling and no one else would be the wiser to the fact that they were maybe a little bit more than friends. If Sirius was holding her hand under the throw Jasmine had over her shoulders while she studied than that was that.

Sirius had a habit of reading on top of his friends, Jasmine had a feeling that it was a side effect of his animagus transformation. She was tempted to scratch behind his ear and see if he kicked his leg. Sirius cuddled against his friends was a common occurrence, enough so that no one really batted an eyelash at the fact most nights he could be found stretched out over Jasmine as she worked.

Tonight was one of those nights were Jasmine was catching up on some reading, her transfiguration text sitting on the arm of the couch she was sitting on, Sirius was laying on top of her legs, stretched out on the couch a defense essay and red quill in hand for revision. There was a knitted blanket thrown over Sirius' legs, the fire from the common room crackling away as they studied.

Remus and James had both gone up to bed not that long ago. Sirius had been on top of them as well as they worked on various assignments. Now, it was just the two of them. Jasmine was going to wait for Sirius to finish before she went up, otherwise he would lose track of time and stay up all night.

"Almost done," he muttered, crossing out an entire sentence with bright red ink. Despite the Marauders having a very well-known reputation for being lazy when it came to schoolwork, it was mostly for show as Jasmine was coming to find out. The boys had some of the highest grades in their year and Sirius was a perfectionist when it came to papers. He would copy off of Remus sometimes in the past, for classes he didn't care for, but now that he was taking NEWT level classes he was being extra careful with how he wrote essays. He usually went through two or three different drafts before handing anything in.

"That's what you've been saying for nearly thirty minutes. I think it's time to put the homework down and call it a night," Jasmine replied, fishing her spare quill out to create a bookmark to find her place in the morning.

"You two are still here? Don't you have better places to shame your families?" A rather familiar voice sneered from the girl's stairwell.

Great, Marlene was still awake and just as hostile as ever. She had her hands on her hips, her blonde hair pulled into a tight ponytail at the top of her head. Her dressing robes were a bright pink and embroidered with floral patterns. "Is there something either of us can help you with, Marlene?" Sirius asked, pulling himself into a sitting position as he rolled up his work, the quill dripping red ink behind his ear.

Marlene's eyes twinkled as a grin spread on her face. This couldn't be good. "Yes, I would suggest not spending you time with damaged goods. It can only bring your family's standing down."

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