Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Jasmine's life solely consisted of studying and then sitting her OWLs for the next month or so. Politics had to be put to the side for time being, much to her dismay. Such was the life of a student.

She wasn't entirely sure what the tests would look like twenty years in the past...though, from the class material, it seemed like it would be quite a bit harder than what she was used to in the nineties.

Her roommates were up until sunrise attempting to cram in as much as they could. Lily was the only one that would go to sleep at a reasonable hour. Marlene and Alice drove Jasmine crazy with their late-night whining. She had warned the two that staying up wouldn't solve anything. If they hadn't leaned the spells and theory by now, they were never going to learn it at three in the bloody morning.

James and Sirius were, surprisingly, taking their OWLs very seriously. Remus didn't need to force them to sit down and revise. The two could usually be found lounging around the common room, a book on their lap and quills behind their ears for last minute revisions. It was an odd sight, and it was slightly disconcerting, but Jasmine wasn't going to question it. She liked seeing them interested in their school work. She knew from her time as Harriet that her father managed to become Head Boy. James had to be smart and take his work seriously to get to the top of the class, but he hadn't shown any indication of that kind of prowess yet.

Though, by mid-week, Jasmine had already taken the most boring of her OWLs earlier in the afternoon. History of magic was the worst exam that she had to sit. Binns was dull no matter the time period, so she never learned anything. Though, she knew the questions that were going to be on the test. He hadn't changed them in well over a hundred years. But, History of Magic was necessary for the field that she wanted to pursue in the near future. Jasmine knew that to get the job that she wanted within company she did, she'd need top marks, otherwise she'd be overlooked. It wasn't going to be easy. There was a lot more competition within this generations of graduates than there was during her time as Harriet in the future. Merlin, no one in her entire class wanted to go into anything that had to do with ancient runes. But, studying the past and how that effected how ancient runes were perceived was important.

Then again, she wanted to be a ward crafter and she knew quite a few wards that weren't going to be invented for another thirty years, she had created them herself, so she had an edge over a few of her competitors. Despite this, she still needed to score high on her history of magic OWL. Which, she knew she did, but that didn't make the experience any less dreadful the tenth time around.

"I swear that Binns taught us nothing," James grumbled as they towards the Great Hall for dinner that evening.

"I told you to read the textbook and not rely on my notes from class. Binns is a ghost. He's been teaching the same thing over and over again for nearly ninety years as a ghost at this point. He's dead set in his ways, he isn't going to change his curriculum, no matter how outdated," Remus pointed out and James slouched a bit, his lower lip curling into a pout.

"Then why the bloody hell is he still teaching. I know that Binns was once a respected teacher here, but why don't we just call an exorcist and get him out of the classroom. We need to make sure that all of our classes are taught by half decent professors." Lily interjected from Jasmine's left. Alice and Marlene were on her heals. The two girls looked like zombies. They both needed to sleep, but it seemed that eating was more important at the moment. They both should have a morning off tomorrow. Neither had an exam for Arithmancy.

Jasmine groaned, she had an exam in the morning. Merlin, she hated school.

"What?" Alice asked with a yawn.

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