Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Despite exams feeling like they were dragging on forever, they did eventually come to an end. Honestly, it was more than a bit anti-climactic. As Harriet she was usually slaying a dragon or fighting Death Eaters at this point. She'd never just had a calm end to a term. It was a nice change.

Jasmine took it all in, watching as what was once considered Snape's worst day play out. It was odd, knowing what could have been. She had seen this day occur in the future, through Professor Snape's memories, but so much had changed. She'd poked so many little holes in the past that they were starting to create an entirely new reality, and if that wasn't a thought that kept her up at night, she wasn't sure what would.

It was a gorgeous day, that much hadn't changed, but there wasn't the same kind of tension in the air that seemed to have been a constant in the unaltered past. Jasmine had affected so many different events...The dueling tournament had made the boys grow up and need to work together. With Severus' time taken up by dueling and potions, he hadn't cared to look into Remus' monthly affliction, leading to him and the Marauders into creating some kind of odd truce. They didn't like each other, but they didn't try to hurt one another. Jasmine could live with that.

Lily didn't hate the Marauders nearly as much as when she arrived. She still found them immature, which they were, but it wasn't on the same level as it could have been, what Jasmine had witnessed as Harriet. The boys had stepped away from bullying and just kept their pranks contained to harmless, but creative, fun.

Peter was out of the picture entirely and James and Sirius were maturing far earlier than expected. It was obviously having an effect on Lily, since she was still giving James odd looks when she thought that no one was looking. She'd have technically been right, but Jasmine kind of had eyes on the back of her head, so not too much could be hidden from her.

Despite all these small changes Jasmine felt like things weren't progressing fast enough. She still had that court appointment in two days, which wasn't something she was looking forward to, and then there was he whole Marlene issue. They still weren't on talking terms and they were expected to room together for another two years.

Marlene was also still happily spreading rumors about Jasmine's sexual activities as some kind of petty revenge around the castle. Lily, luckily, wasn't finding Marlene's behavior worth her time, and was spending more time with Jasmine. "Honestly, you'd think she'd have nothing better to do than gossip," Jasmine grumbled. She was heading down to the Great Lake for a post exam celebration with the Marauders, Lily and possibly Severus, after quite a bit of begging from both Lily and Jasmine.

"So, what did you think of the DADA exam?" Sirius asked after their final exam for that day. The four of them were meandering towards the Great Lake, they had some commandeered snacks from the kitchens and some chilled butterbeers from Hogsmeade. It was one of the nicest days that they'd had in nearly a month, it was best to make the most of it before it started to rain again or got to humid to want to even brave the outdoors.

"I thought the question about werewolves was especially riveting, Pads," James responded, throwing his arms around both of his friends. Jasmine was keeping out of the danger zone. More often than not, the boys ended up wrestling each other to the ground and she had been caught up in too many of those little sparring matches, thank you very much, James.

She was also carrying the basket full of snacks, there was no point in ruining all of that food over teenage boy shenanigans. The Marauders defined teen boy shenanigans.

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