Chapter 39

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Sorry for the delay, real life has been a mess.

Chapter 39

It wasn't until April that things began to spiral out of control in a way only Jasmine could manage. Sirius had asked his father to send a letter to the Malfoy family on Jasmine's behalf two weeks ago. She hadn't heard anything from them, which was worrying. There was a short window that she had to save Abraxas Malfoy and it was closing with each day she didn't hear a response. She had never met him in the past as Harriet, the man was long dead. In the few lives she had gotten to know Draco, he hadn't had anything to say about his Grandfather. From what she had gathered, Lucius never spoke about him. When Jasmine finally gets to meet him, she wasn't going to know how he'd react to her. It was something else she was going to need to navigate without any kind of reference.

Fate had been too kind to her recently...minus the dementor attack...Jasmine had a horrific feeling of foreboding, settling in the pit of her stomach. Voldemort still hadn't made a physical appearance in her life yet, which felt odd. One can't live while the other survives and all that rot.

For once, Jasmine was living the life of an average student. Well, a somewhat normal student, since Jasmine couldn't be normal or average, even if she tried. OWLs were coming up and she was more than prepared for them. She had taken them nine times already, if she didn't know the material yet, she was truly doomed to never defeat Voldemort. Merlin, she was taking these exams for the tenth time. The only thing that she hated more than taking the exams was prepping for them and doing all of the course work over and over again. The essays the professors have you write for revisions was nightmare worthy.

Not to mention that all of her friends were becoming balls of anxiety, even the Marauders were beginning to feel the stress of their OWLs. The tests meant a lot for their future and for James and Sirius that meant actually taking the tests seriously. Poor Remus was shouldering all of their stress, not to mention his own. Jasmine knew it grated on them that she seemed to pick up the spell work quickly and she wrote her essays with ease. Though, that came with nine lives worth of knowledge...not that anyone knew that. During her first life Jasmine would have hated herself.

Then there was the issue of nightmares. James, Sirius and Jasmine were still having trouble sleeping, as were other students that survived the attack. Jasmine had gone back to her mind healer on the weekends, just to play it safe, with her magic not quite developed she figured seeing someone was better than an outburst of accidental magic. It was helping, but she would still go down to the common room to try and convince James and Sirius that maybe it was time they tried talking to someone other than each other.

Naturally, they both refused.


Jasmine was dosing off in the common room. Her near finished charms essay on her lap. The words had started to blur together about half an hour ago. Lily had gone up to bed a few minutes prior, Marlene and Alice had given up around eleven. Jasmine knew that she was going to regret staying up this late in the morning when she would fall asleep during Quidditch Practice, but she really needed to get this done.

She felt her head loll against the couch, she'd rest her eye for a minute...

"Jazz, are you okay?" A quiet voice asked, shaking her shoulder just enough to wake her up. She opened her right eye, no point in even bothering to use her left. She caught sight of gold wired glasses, it was James.

"Hm? Yea, what are you doing up?" Jasmine mumbled, rubbing at her eye. The fire in the hearth had gone out, she had to have been down here for a few hours.

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